The New York Times: Abadi holding by a thread between Washington and the Iranian axis

The New York Times: Abadi holding by a thread between Washington and the Iranian axis

09/28/2014 (00:01 pm)

The New York Times - Abadi holding by a thread between Washington and the Iranian axisTranslation term

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi he fully supports the air strikes led by the United States against Daash in Syria, but he also explained his opposition to the expansion of the air campaign against forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. Ebadi said in his first visit to the United States since taking office “as a neighbor, I do not want to be a party to the dismantling of Syria or compromising its sovereignty.”
In an interview lasted an hour with a group of reporters and New York Times quoted excerpts, sought Abadi to walk a fine line of security partnership with the Obama administration to confront the militants who occupied a large part of Syria and Iraq, and his desire to maintain good relations with the Assad government and with Iran.
Ebadi said, who met with President Obama Wednesday as part of his visit to the General Assembly of the United Nations, he agreed with Western fears that Daash pose a major threat to Europe and the United States. Confirming this point, Ebadi said that his government collected information from the militants who were captured confirms that Daash was planning to attack the metro stations in Paris and the United States. But senior Obama administration officials said they were unable to confirm this information, and questioned some of them out.
And cross-Abadi, expressed gratitude for American help in the fight against Daash, but in the interview he also welcomes Iranian advisers who acknowledged their presence in Iraq. He also stressed that Iraq lacks the legal authority to stop the trips to Damascus by Iranian officials say the Americans they fly over Iraqi airspace to transport arms to the Assad government. The Obama administration did not succeed in pressuring the Iraqi government to put an end to the Iranian arms shipments through inspection trips questionable. As Abadi and clear about the limits of his support for the air campaign led by the United States, where he confirmed his support for the air strikes American and Arabic in Syria after he told him that the list of targets will not include the Army or the Syrian government, he said, “We had a lengthy debate with our friends the Americans, who have stated that their goal in Syria is not to destabilize and destroy the ability but Daash. ”
He said he sent a senior adviser to Damascus to reassure Assad’s government that it will not be the target of the strikes, and said that the Obama administration also asked him to convey a message similar to the Syrians, “We have received this message from the Americans and we have delivered without comment.”
For his part, refused to a senior official in the administration revealed Abadi comment on the subject of the message, but said the purpose of the United States a message to Assad’s government was to discourage them from taking military action to intervene in Syria bombing campaign against Daash which began this week.
Abbadi said that the Iraqi government insists on approving any American strikes against Daash in Iraq, where he said, referring to attacks by drones “We have raised the issue of the sovereignty of Iraq. Do not want to get into what happened in Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan.” He said Iraqi Prime Minister that he agreed with Obama on the need not to send American ground troops to Iraq and added that Iraq does not want Western countries or Arab also send combat troops. In terms of the development of the Iraqi forces, al-Abadi said he was ready to cancel the centralization of power, and support for a plan to allow the formation of National Guard units where the Sunni areas responsible for the defense of their territory. Despite his talk about decentralization, has Ebadi pointed to tough bargaining with the Kurds who want to expand their independence and the right to export oil and post revenue federalism “I am ready to make tough decisions, and the Kurdistan take similar decisions as well. They not part of Iraq? If they are well, they have to take and give” .