The near completion of the demarcation of the border file with the Kuwaiti side
Parliamentary Foreign Affairs: the near completion of the demarcation of the border file with the Kuwaiti side
16:03 2013-04-05
BAGHDAD – babysit – she planned to the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee, Adela Hammoud said that “there is a solution soon to end the file of the demarcation of the border with the Kuwaiti side.”
Hammoud said in a press statement that “there is a clear work of all on the subject of Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII, remain only a few decisions with Kuwait and everyone knows that it related to file the demarcation of the border.”
It said “there is a solution to end this file with the Kuwaiti government, and that the Kuwaiti delegation will visit Iraq soon to close this file and remove Iraq from Chapter VII.”
The homes of a number of citizens in the Umm Qasr area located within the path of the border line of demarcation plans to put the Kuwaiti government, has asked these citizens evacuate their homes two weeks ago … p / i