The movement is preparing to strike al-Halbousi in the largest popular gathering to dismiss the president

The movement is preparing to strike al-Halbousi in the largest popular gathering to dismiss the president


The movement is preparing to strike al-Halbousi in the largest popular gathering to dismiss the presidentInformation / Baghdad..
The popular movement is preparing to set a date for the sites of popular demonstrations against Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi and his exclusionary policy, while the movement indicates that al-Halbousi is involved in cooperation with external parties against the interests of Iraq.

The head of the organizing body for the popular movement for the Belt and Road, Hussein Ali Al-Karawi, told Al-Maalouma that “the movement in several Iraqi provinces, including Anbar, is preparing to demonstrate to demand that the Shiite forces remove Al-Halbousi from the presidential chair.”

He added, “There are many observations about Al-Halbousi’s performance, including interfering with the work of the effective and important parliamentary committees in an attempt to disrupt their work, as well as some other matters that led to weakening the prestige of Parliament.”

He pointed out that “the popular movement is leading a broad movement to dismiss al-Halbousi,” and indicated that “there are many suspicions about his work and his interference in some current and previous options.”

And he continued, “All these reasons came together and called us to demand the need to change Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi.”

Political analyst Hussein Al-Kinani saw that the dismissal of Parliament Speaker Muhammad Al-Halbousi from his post is linked to a decision by the parties of the Sunni House and its consensus on that, pointing out that “the State Administration Coalition will be in addition to the decision taken within the aforementioned house.