The most important Iraqi news headlines in the last 24 hours

The most important Iraqi news headlines in the last 24 hours

Date Posted 11/10/2017 10:58 AM

The most important Iraqi news headlines in the last 24 hours• Away from the flags: The Kurdistan Regional Government began to hand over airports and border crossings to the federal authorities of Iraq

• After meeting with Turkish officials, the Iraqi Minister of Oil orders the rehabilitation of the pipeline between Kirkuk and the Turkish port of Ceyhan passing from outside the Kurdish region

• Barzani will abandon the presidency of the region and will nominate his son pleased to replace him

• Qassem Soleimani: Kurdistan crisis caused by the vacuum left by personal Talabani wise

• Prime Minister Yildirm of the Turkish parliament: the referendum broke the gains of the Kurds and a tripartite meeting between Iraq, Iran and Turkey

• A spokesman for the name of Abadi: No dialogue before the cancellation of the referendum and go to Kurdistan to visit with his personal address, not the government

• The Iraqi Council of Ministers circulates to the official departments the book to sack the governor of Kirkuk

• Abadi warns the Peshmerga of any clash with government forces in the disputed areas

• The headquarters of the Turkmen Front in Kirkuk is being attacked by grenades

• Iraqi security source: Iraqi forces will enter Kirkuk soon to control security

• Allawi warns of civil war in Kirkuk in the case of the insistence of both sides on their position and the entry of the popular crowd by force to Kirkuk

• Yarallah announces the end of the full editing of Hawija

• Qassem Soleimani: severe calamity will be resolved on Kurdistan

• America refrains from intervening to resolve the referendum crisis

• The hunter in the newspaper Al-Hayat: Iraqi Kurdistan … to the fate of southern Sudan

• Refer the files of 9 deputies from the Kurdistan Democratic Party to the judiciary to expel them from the Iraqi parliament

• Cell phone companies Asia Cell and Cork confirm their subordination to the federal authorities

• Abadi: Do not negotiate at all before committing to three things, cancel the referendum and emphasize the unity of Iraq and abide by the Constitution

• Abadi: the proposal of the Confederation of Kurds requires the amendment of the Constitution and the approval of two thirds of the members of the Iraqi parliament

• The Presidency of the Republic falsified the statement of the official of the Protocol and the Government of Kurdistan on a call with Joan Masum about the funeral of Jalal Talabani

• The official of the Security and Information Agency Lahore Talabani: Kurdistan faces great risks with the loss of all gains because of the decision of the maturity of the referendum