The Ministry of Finance launches a new issue of construction bonds

The Ministry of Finance launches a new issue of construction bonds

2021-12-21 08:02

The Ministry of Finance launches a new issue of construction bondsShafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Finance directed, on Tuesday, the Public Debt Department, in cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq, to ​​launch the second issue of construction bonds tradable in the stock market.

In a statement received by Shafak News Agency, the ministry’s media office stated, “This step comes after the success of the first issue of bonds that contributed to financing economic development operations and supporting investment projects, in addition to the increasing demand by citizens.”

She indicated that “the bonds will be available for trading for a period of one month, and that the categories of bonds offered for trading are:

1- A bond of (500,000) dinars, with an annual interest of 6% for a period of two years.

2- A class bond (1000000) dinars, with an interest of 7% for a period of 4 years.

According to the statement, the Ministry of Finance called on citizens wishing to purchase to “submit their applications through authorized banks for the purpose of taking advantage of the investment opportunity.”