The market has not seen any rise in prices and there is stability at the price of the dinar
The fight against economic crime: the market has not seen any rise in prices and there is stability at the price of the dinar
Thursday July 10, 2014 18:30
Alsumaria News / Baghdad
The Directorate of the fight against economic crime in the Interior Ministry, said Thursday that the Iraqi market has not seen any significant rise in prices, while assuring senior agent of the Ministry of the Interior Adnan al-Asadi, the stability of the price of the Iraqi dinar.
The director of the fight against economic crime, Brigadier Hussein al-Shammari at a press conference with a senior agent of the Ministry of the Interior Adnan al-Asadi, after a meeting with the directors of the banks in Baghdad and attended “Alsumaria News”, that “since the issuance of directives senior agent was formed operations room to monitor and control prices and we were present in those places” , adding that “the market has not seen any significant rise in prices.”
Shammari said that “there was just a rumor to destabilize the country on a rise in food.”
For his part, al-Asadi said that “the Iraqi dinar maintained its price under the current circumstances that the currency collapse in another country,” stressing that “the Iraqi dinar is still strong and has increased its score more.”
Asadi pointed out that “the ministry has sent a patrol in the Karrada district to monitor the movement of trade and economic to provide security.”
The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and sent in (June 14, 2014) to run all the mills of government to provide the largest amount of flour, indicating that the goal is to prevent any rise in prices.
Iraq has been exceptional and the security situation since the declaration of a state of emergency in the (June 10, 2014), where military operations are continuing security for the expulsion of the organization “Daash” of areas where the provinces of Nineveh and Salahuddin, while continuing military operations in Anbar to face.