The joint forces: al-Baghdadi is a stalker of intelligence and his farewell sermon “fabricated.”

The joint forces: al-Baghdadi is a stalker of intelligence and his farewell sermon “fabricated.”

03/01/2017 18:56 pm (Baghdad time)

The joint forces - al-Baghdadi is a stalker of intelligence and his farewell sermon fabricatedBAGHDAD – balances News
Spokesman denied the joint forces in Mosul, Brigadier General Yahya Messenger knowledge including reports by some websites about the so-called farewell sermon to the leader of al Daesh terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, saying it was fabricated, apparently to disguise.
He pointed Messenger in a press statement I followed / balances News /, that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, “observer currently stalker of the Iraqi intelligence services, and the event that its exact location will not be late to target anywhere in the process, and whether al-Baghdadi, came out to say he was defeated or did not come out, the the final outcome of this organization already defeated in Iraq, “pointing out that” Iraqi forces will not stand in front of her things in the right coast. ”
He stressed that “the operation is going according to plans, which aim to preserve the lives of civilians and to minimize losses and ease their suffering, plans are cleansing Mosul and edit put Iraqi citizens in the first place.”
He explained that “the joint Iraqi forces have future plans to eliminate the organization in western Mosul areas, and areas that are still usurped and of Hawija and areas of the Upper Euphrates, and these areas will go its forces after the completion of the processes currently taking place, and will free all Iraqi territory from rats Daesh terrorist.”
The military commander, that “the Iraqi army severed the last major road out of Mosul, a stronghold of the organization Daesh controlled the access roads to the city from the north-west.”
The Dean of the corner Armored Division ninth army said that “the band has become just one kilometer from the” Sham Gate “in Mosul, a north-western entrance of the city.”
He continued, saying, “We are in control now on the road and now Sham gate in the extent of the actual vision of our forces.”
Mosul residents said they were unable to move on the highway, which starts at “Sham Gate” since Tuesday.
The road linking Mosul, a stronghold of Tal Afar last Daesh 60 km to the west towards the border Alsorah.anthy 29 / tc n