The inability to approve oil and gas law in the current session, despite its importance
Kurdish lawmaker: the inability to approve oil and gas law in the current session, despite its importance
Tuesday, August 27 / August 2013 08:17
{Baghdad: Euphrates News} said the Kurdistan Alliance MP Bakr flesh friend not to the possibility of approving some important laws, including the law of oil and gas in the current parliamentary session, despite its importance.
A friend told {Euphrates News} on Tuesday that “the law of oil and gas will not recognize in the current session, but will leave to the next parliamentary session despite the utmost importance, and its impact on the lives of Iraqi citizens in all areas of economic and living conditions and others.”
He explained that “there are a number of laws have been agreed on to be legislation in the current session, including the Law on {parties and elections and the Federation Council} and other important laws,” adding that “there is a push and a kind of pressure by the political blocs for approval.”
And embraces the inclusion of the House of Representatives a number of important draft laws that fall asleep there, but sleeps on the votes of deputies in the parliament as if waiting to wake her service to the people and tossing paragraphs in front of parliamentarians to يناقشوها and vote them and pass laws without delay more or migrate to the next parliamentary session.
It takes the Iraqis on the political forces and parliamentary blocs, giving priority to the interests of the party and factional and regional on the interest of the people and يستدلون it delayed the adoption of important laws that relate the details of the lives of citizens because of the lack of agreed and even in the slider mechanism, where some see the possibility of scrolling style basketball per IE with other laws, while others believe it should be agreed upon individually. ended 2 m