The governor of the Central Bank is discussing with the Security Council important files

The governor of the Central Bank is discussing with the Security Council important files in the first meeting of its kind

2017/10/18 14:10

The governor of the Central Bank is discussing with the Security Council important files{Baghdad: Al Furat News} Central Bank Governor Ali Mohsen Ismail discussed with the UN Security Council important files at a meeting of the first of its kind in the world at the invitation of him.
“The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Ismail, met in New York with members of the UN Security Council in the United Nations building, where this is the first meeting of the Central Bank of Iraq, Its kind in the world where the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq is the first governor of a central bank to attend such meetings. ”
He added, “During the meeting, we listened to a detailed explanation of the experience of this bank in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing, and members of the Security Council praised the work of the Central Bank of Iraq and its administration during the current period and the accompanying exceptional circumstances experienced by Iraq.”