The government of Adel Abdul Mahdi is still fluctuating .. Four ministers are threatened with dismissal

The government of Adel Abdul Mahdi is still fluctuating .. Four ministers are threatened with dismissal

Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at 15:53 ​​PM

The government of Adel Abdul Mahdi is still fluctuating .. Four ministers are threatened with dismissalBaghdad / Sky Press

Revealed the leadership of the stream of national wisdom, Dr. Fouad al-Rubaie on the intention of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, the dismissal of four ministers from his cabin after less than a month to vote on them.

Al-Rubaie said in a statement singled out by the Sky News Agency: The Prime Minister intends to submit the rest of the names to complete his Cabinet, while he confirmed that four ministers who were voted on will be changed.

Al-Rubaie explained that the reasons for dismissing the ministers and changing them are due to the lack of conviction of some political parties in addition to the pressures on Dr. Adel Abdul Mahdi about some of his cabinet ministers.