The government is finalizing the 2018 budget. Parliament is expected to arrive next month

The government is finalizing the 2018 budget. Parliament is expected to arrive next month

2017-09-07 at 16:58 (Baghdad time)

The government is finalizing the 2018 budget - Parliament is expected to arrive next monthSpecial – Mawazine News
The deputy of the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary Najiba Najib, on Thursday, the government to finalize the draft budget in 2018, while expected the arrival of the bill to parliament next month.
The parliament approved last year most of the articles of the financial budget for 2017, which included the deduction of salaries of employees and the imposition of taxes on the travel sector and refused to grant employees leave for five years.
“Najib told Mawazin News that the central government is in the process of finalizing the draft bill of the budget of 2018, before sending it to the House of Representatives to vote it,” expected at the same time, “the arrival of the draft budget next month to parliament.”
“There are expectations in parliament that the government will work to reduce the financial budget for matters related to (military operations), considering that Iraq is close to ending all operations against elements of the organization calling for the terrorist.”
On the provision of employment grades in the budget of 2018, Najib pointed out that “there is a government trend supported by international banks to provide job opportunities for graduates and unemployed through the involvement of the private sector and away from government appointments.”
He warned the member of the Finance Committee of Parliament Haitham Jubouri, earlier, the arrival of Iraq’s foreign and internal rate of “very dangerous” by 122 billion dollars, pointing out that tourism, agriculture and customs and became a place for “corruption”, while considered that the government program of Prime Minister Haidar Abadi guarantees all the solutions, but they are just “ink on paper”.
“The Kurdistan region is sticking to the budget of 17% of the general budget of Iraq, considering that Kurdistan is part of Iraq,” at the same time, demanding that “this year’s budget for the region is not a waste on paper as in previous years.”
This is seeking the Kurdistan region to hold a referendum on secession from Iraq on the twenty-fifth of September next, in an unprecedented step in the political center of Iraq.
From: Rami Salhi