The framework is struggling to convince al-Sadr: We will join all the Shiite forces and not rule out resorting to the street

The framework is struggling to convince al-Sadr: We will join all the Shiite forces and not rule out resorting to the street

2021-12-30 08:15

The framework is struggling to convince al-Sadr - We will join all the Shiite forces and not rule out resorting to the streetShafaq News/ An informed source said on Thursday that the coordination framework meeting, which was held yesterday, Wednesday, at the home of the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, which included most of the leaders and representatives of the Shiite framework forces, discussed all ways that would restore the unity of the Shiite house, including resorting to mobilizing the street. .

The source told Shafak News Agency; The emergency meeting, which was held at the home of the former Prime Minister and leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, came to discuss political outcomes that would guarantee a coalition of all Shiite forces under the umbrella of a unified political entity, after everyone realized that the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, is proceeding with the project of the majority government unless it accepts Strengths the framework on its terms.

He added that “the meeting was held under the chairmanship of Nuri al-Maliki and in the presence of the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance Hadi al-Amiri, the head of the Victory Alliance Haider al-Abadi, the head of the National State Forces Alliance, Ammar al-Hakim, the head of the National Sindh Alliance, Ahmed al-Asadi, and the head of the Islamic Supreme Council, Hammam Hammoudi, and Member of the Political Bureau of the Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq movement, Adnan Faihan, and Issa Al-Fraiji, and they all discussed solutions that ensure the formation of the largest bloc to strike foreign schemes that seek to disperse the Shiite house, as well as preventing the division of the country as states (regions) through a political tactic that the framework will adopt in its next movement, which is based on To include everyone without excluding anyone, in reference to (Al-Sadr’s insistence on excluding al-Maliki), especially since the partners (Kurds and Sunnis) are looking for a partner or party that guarantees their interests.

He continued, “The meetings of the framework forces will remain open, and it will attract all the forces wishing to join it to form the largest Shiite bloc, even if the members do not follow a particular force or entity, because what we are interested in is strengthening the Shiite decision within the parliament. If the framework succeeds in that, al-Sadr will definitely go towards the opposition.” Even if the framework leaders emphasized the need to unify the ranks and enter into an unconditional alliance with al-Sadr.

He pointed out that “the meeting, whose leaders were keen to conceal its interlocutor and its outcomes, touched on how to use the street as a pressure card to unify the Shiite discourse in form and content, and that the decision will be issued to the popular bases affiliated with the framework forces before the first session of Parliament, i.e. moving the street with regular, peaceful demonstrations to prevent bloodshed, and the matter remains.” Subject to the decisions of the leaders of the framework.

He pointed out that “what increases the complexities of forming the largest Shiite bloc by the framework is that some of the framework’s forces may disintegrate and join al-Sadr, and that is why the framework intensifies efforts to form the largest component within parliament, even if it is towards the opposition.”

He added, “All the current Shiite political movement revolves within the orbit of the largest Shiite bloc and is at the forefront of the scene, and it may not lead to a united Shiite bloc except with the intervention of the supreme reference, which is what all Shiite forces rely on regarding the intransigence of the party controlling the compass of political decision.”

The leaders of some of the framework forces led by Hadi al-Amiri met with the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr at his residence in Al-Hanana, in the province of Najaf. It lasted many years.

The Sadrist bloc seeks to form a majority government in alliance with the Sunni and Kurdish forces that won the elections, contrary to what was customary in previous sessions that witnessed the birth of consensual governments with the participation of all political forces.

However, other Shiite forces within the coordination framework are working to find a foothold in the next government to preserve their gains despite losing many seats in the parliamentary elections that took place last October.