The Foreign Ministry condemns the bombing of the PMF headquarters in Baghdad: Iraq reserves the right to take a firm stance

The Foreign Ministry condemns the bombing of the PMF headquarters in Baghdad: Iraq reserves the right to take a firm stance

2024-01-04 05:21

The Foreign Ministry condemns the bombing of the PMF headquarters in Baghdad - Iraq reserves the right to take a firm stanceShafaq News/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its “strong condemnation of the blatant attack” that targeted an Iraqi security headquarters today, Thursday.

A statement issued by the ministry stated that “the attack on a security formation linked to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and subject to the authority of the state is a dangerous escalation.”

The statement stressed that “Iraq reserves the right to take a firm stance and take all measures that deter anyone who tries to harm its land and security forces.”

Al-Nujaba Movement, one of the armed Iraqi factions, announced in a statement, today, Thursday, that the Assistant Commander of Baghdad Belt Operations in the Popular Mobilization Forces, Mushtaq Talib Al-Saidi (Abu Taqwa), was killed by a “treacherous” American bombing of the logistical support headquarters in the capital, Baghdad.

In turn, the Baghdad Belt Operations Command mourned the Popular Mobilization Forces in a statement, “Commander Abu Taqwa al-Saeedi as a result of a brutal American aggression.”

An Iraqi police source had stated earlier today that the military official in the Al-Nujaba movement, called “Abu Taqwa,” and one of his companions had been killed in an air strike that targeted a PMF headquarters east of Baghdad.

Earlier today, an official security source said that an unknown unmanned aerial bombardment targeted the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces, east of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

Yesterday evening, Wednesday, the leader of the Al-Nujaba Movement, one of the most prominent Shiite armed factions, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, decided to take a “bold” and clear position by sending a report to Washington ending the American presence in Iraq, threatening the United States with an “unprecedented escalation” in the event of I refused to withdraw.

Earlier today, the military spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces held the US-led international coalition responsible for the bombing that targeted the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces in Baghdad, causing casualties, likening the bombing to a “terrorist act.”

Meanwhile, Reuters news agency quoted a US official as saying, “The US military carried out a strike in Baghdad against an Iraqi faction leader believed to be responsible for attacks on US forces.”