The “FBI” warns of terrorist attacks for “Daesh” against churches in the United States

The “FBI” warns of terrorist attacks for “Daesh” against churches in the United States

12.24.2016 14:45

The FBI warns of terrorist attacks for Daesh against churches in the United States{INTERNATIONAL: Euphrates News} announced the FBI, “FBI,” it does not have certain information that indicates the likelihood of imminent terrorist attacks in the United States during the Christmas holiday and New Year holiday.
But the office has urged members of the security forces to exercise caution and vigilance with regard to the possibility of unilateral attacks by the so – called “individual wolves”, according to the television channel , “CBS.”
It quoted the office as saying in a statement that ” the FBI aware of bonds issued on the Internet calling for attacks on churches in the United States, as in all similar cases , the emergence of terrorist threats of this kind the Office follow – up and validated.”
Believing the TV channel , “CBS”, that ” the country ‘s authorities do not have confirmed information about the existence of any threat” .anthy