The exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar 12-21-2017
The exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar 12-21-2017
21-12-2017 02:58 PM
The Euphrates –
The exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar today in the capital Baghdad and the south of Iraq and Kurdistan on Thursday
Price in Iraqi dinar per 100 USD
The general tendency of demand Average:
Kefah Stock Exchange (Baghdad) ALkeafah Stock Exchange
Selling price / 125,150 dinars
Price purchase / 125.100 dinars Harithiyah AL
harthiy Stock Exchange
Saralabie / 125.150 dinars
Sarachara / 125.100 dinars Arbil
Stock Exchange Saralabie / 125.650 dinars Sarachara / 125,600 dinars _____ Basra Stock Exchange (South) AL psra Exchange. . Saralabie / 125.350 dinars purchase / 125.300 Dinar