“The decision is ours.” A deputy responds to an American commander regarding the date of their withdrawal from Iraq

“The decision is ours.” A deputy responds to an American commander regarding the date of their withdrawal from Iraq


The decision is ours - A deputy responds to an American commander regarding the date of their withdrawal from IraqInformation/exclusive..
A member of the House of Representatives, Jassem Al-Moussawi, responded today, Saturday, to the position of the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff regarding the date for the withdrawal of their forces from Iraq and Syria, while affirming his rejection of the US presence on Iraqi soil.

Al-Musawi said, in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, that “the presence of US forces inside Iraqi territory as announced comes within a governmental agreement, especially after the recent agreements and the purchase of US weapons and equipment, in addition to the presence of experts and trainers to assist the Iraqi security forces, which is a prior agreement since their entry into Iraq.” Until today.”
And he stated, “The talk of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, about the American presence and the mechanism of withdrawal from Iraq is unacceptable, as he is actually waiting for instructions from the American leadership,” stressing that “the decision to keep the American forces is up to us.”
He added, “The Iraqi government rejects the presence of US forces outside the concluded agreement, and attempts to intervene in the region by a decision of the United Nations in the event of conflicts between countries, which is the pretext that Washington used to enter Iraq after the Gulf War.”
The member of the House of Representatives affirmed that we “reject the American presence on Iraqi soil,” noting that “the contract concluded between Washington and the security forces regarding the strategic frameworks agreement needs follow-up and monitoring to determine the description in which they are present and the numbers.”
Earlier in the day, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, confirmed that “the Middle East region is very important to the United States,” noting that “the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq and Syria takes place with the approval of the American leadership and the American president exclusively.”
And on January 5, 2020, the former Parliament voted on a decision obligating the government to work to end the presence of any foreign forces on Iraqi soil. This came during an extraordinary session in the presence of former Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi.
