The current session of Parliament did not succeed in passing important economic laws


The current session of Parliament did not succeed in passing important economic laws


See parliamentarians specialists in economic affairs that the current parliament did not succeed in passing laws important economic, pointing out that the parliamentary session is nearing completion and the percentage of pass laws entrusted to him did not exceed half.

said a member of the Oil and Energy Committee National Alliance MP Furat Mohsen al-Shara that “the laws economic task upon which the country’s economy as law of oil and gas, mostly did not recognize due to the worsening political problems. “

said al-Shara said in an interview for the (long) “It is not impossible to pass economic laws placed on the Parliament in this session, but political differences have prevented the adoption of important laws as law infrastructure and oil and gas law and the national oil company as well as the law of customs tariff, communications and transportation indicating that it is possible to resolving these problems between the political blocs through dialogue to promote the work of the parliament and give its legislative complete.

continued Shara that the rate of adoption of laws under the 50% are low and do not meet ambition and if it continues current differences without consensus conjoin to its decline more.

part, attributed a member of the Integrity Commission, the independent MP Osman Algehiche faltering economic laws important to the withdrawal of the political blocs ongoing session of the House of Representatives.

said Algehiche in an exclusive statement to (range) that “laws need to vote members of the two-thirds of the parliament and the withdrawal of large blocs from time to time is a barrier to adoption.

revealed Algehiche the presence of lumps deliberate and taking advantage of this confusion and the political pressure in order not to pass laws economic mission in the country, pointing out that the success of the current session to pass laws does not exceed 50% of the total proportion of the laws entrusted upon himself. For his part, rejected by the House of Representatives Faleh Ziadi description parliament Balvashl limited to be described as (inactivated).

said Ziadi in connection with the (term), “We are talking about the highest legislative institution in the country and in my opinion that the House was not a failure in the legislation of laws as much as is disabled due to reflection of the political differences on it. “

He Ziadi that “the politicization of economic laws important as law infrastructure led to a lack of legislation that gives the character negatively on the performance of the Iraqi parliament in regards to the economic laws which could serve the citizen.” He Ziadi that “the proportion of completion of Parliament for this session of the legislation of economic laws that may serve the country does not exceed 30% of the total laws placed on his shoulder. whilst specialists in economic affairs that the percentage given by the members of the House of Representatives for the performance of Parliament in this session of the service sector of the economy exaggerated greatly the fact that the work done by Parliament in their eyes did not exceed 15%.

economist said Thamer Alheimus The parliament is paralyzed in general, so that more than 80% of economic laws stipulated by the Constitution did not recognize yet.

added Alheimus in a statement singled out by the (range), there are more than 3000 Law of the previous era was replaced so far as it is one of the main obstacles that prevent the development and progress in the country.

, and continued, “that the political blocs busy Mounacfat and conflicts as well as the occupancy concern is how to pass a law retirement their own.”

and “not hoped that this parliament any development in the economy or the development of the evidence that the law of the customs tariff is paralyzed and the law of the single window for investment also paralyzed and could not Parliament that provides for the economy what we said. “

In the meantime, take oil expert Hamza Jeweler law of oil and gas is the measurement of the work of the parliament Failure approved so far is a picture clear that the Parliament did not do everything possible to serve the economic sector. “

said jeweler in a telephone conversation with (long) there are some laws passed, but it hinder the progress the economy as law Investment refineries issued by the parliament, adding that even laws that have been going through t by the Parliament grounds that support the economy, whether investment in general or investment refineries is Off to the development and investment and the economy and has been to the evolution of the economy in. , and he had said President of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen willing satisfaction Blibl The agricultural and industrial projects stalled in both the public and private sectors of up to 90%, because of the lack activating the economic laws that maintain the sustainability of economic activity, resulting in paralysis of the Iraqi economy to use the laws of the former regime, which are not commensurate with the stage of openness experienced by Iraq.

added Blibl in his speech to the island revealed that conflicts of interest and the emergence of differences among politicians to prevent activation of a market economy for not acting laws approved by the parliament, which led to disable more than four thousand economic project, pointing out that the ruling U.S. civil administrator Paul Bremer contributed significantly disrupt the economy by allowing the introduction of various types of goods to the market without controls or quality control. stressed Blibl that the activation of these projects would be through the adoption of the National Development Plan, which allocates money from the budget to save the sectors of agriculture, industry and tourism, noting that the Iraqi state care sectors politics and security and do not bother sector economy, although it is the backbone of politics.

while the economist said Bassem Jamil Anton in a press statement that delay in the implementation of projects due to the absence of clear strategic plans, and not to work in the five-year plan for the advancement of the Iraqi economy, and this needs to be legislated laws and regulations powers of Parliament, pointing out that the political reality is witnessing major conflicts impacted negatively on the economy. Moussa added that the current parliamentary session futile in terms of the economic legislation of laws, has been unable to keep pace with the growth of the country’s economy because economic legislation follow the quota system, in addition to the removal of professionals and qualified to exercise their role in economic activity. He stressed that the activation of these projects in the sectors of agriculture, industry, services and tourism will contribute to economic development. And that percentage interest in productive sectors except oil is very small, and that most of the projects are frozen or not work out, which is reflected on the difficulty of achieving real economic growth.