The Coordination Of The Demonstrations Reveals American Pressure On The Federal Court Over The Election Results

The Coordination Of The Demonstrations Reveals American Pressure On The Federal Court Over The Election Results

12/17/2021 | 3:36 PM

The Coordination Of The Demonstrations Reveals American Pressure On The Federal Court Over The Election ResultsInformation/Baghdad.

The Organizing Committee of the demonstrations and sit-ins rejecting the election results revealed, on Friday, American pressure and threat to the Federal Court and its members regarding the election results.

And a statement of the committee received by / the information / said, To all those who reject corruption, injustice, occupation and normalization, to the ideal model in the peaceful demonstration and sit-in on Friday (and do justice with justice), your Iraq is the Iraq of the holy, the martyrs and the righteous. It reached the pressure and threat to the Federal Court and its members to compel them to avoid truth, bias to falsehood and forgery, because they noticed the integrity and professionalism of the Iraqi judiciary and the inability to lure its members and entice them with corrupt money. interventions and pressures.

The statement added, “While we value this heroic stance, which will be immortalized by history and witnessed by the near and far, with the integrity and professionalism of the Iraqi judiciary, we also appreciate the pressures directed against it, and we are tightening at the hands of the Federal Court and the Supreme Judicial Council, and we tell them that Iraq and its people, let us honor you in it, because we have done you a trust in it.” It remains a refuge for your jealous people.”

And at the same time, we warn the American occupation and its supporters against continuing to interfere in the decisions and procedures of the Iraqi judiciary, and we tell them to stop your hands, or else we will cut them off for you, and at the same time, we wish the Supreme Judicial Council and the Federal Court to expedite the confirmation of the appeals submitted to them. It will generate more pressure on them and we fear what we fear from this pressure and interference.

He noted, “We also extend our heartfelt thanks and beautiful praise to the demonstrators and sit-ins who stood for Iraq and its people, standing up for the brave, stationed on the walls of glory and honor. ,

And he continued, “Finally, we say that our demands are still the same and we will never give up any of them. We are still calling for a just retribution for the killers of peaceful demonstrators and the accountability of the fraud commission and other demands that we mentioned in the previous Friday.”

The statement concluded, “We affirm that peace is our consistent approach, and cooperation with our brothers in the security services is the original worm and support for the Iraqi judiciary is the basic demand.” finished/25