The coordination framework issues a statement on what happened in the first session of the Iraqi parliament

The coordination framework issues a statement on what happened in the first session of the Iraqi parliament


The coordination framework issues a statement on what happened in the first session of the Iraqi parliamentThe coordinating framework issued a statement about the verbal altercations and assault on the head of the age, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, in the first session of the Iraqi parliament, and then the session started again illegally

Below is the text of the statement:

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Over the past weeks, we have followed all sincere attempts to prevent a political blockage and deepen the social and political crisis resulting from the manipulation of the election results, and after we made all concessions in the service of the public interest and community peace, leading to setting the date for the first session of Parliament by the President of the Republic

We have tried hard to prevent things from slipping into this retrenchment that we saw today, which portends a grave danger. Our condemnation of what happened today was an assault on the head of the parliament and causing chaos in the parliament session, which prompted the president of the age to request the suspension of the session for legal scrutiny by not submitting a list of legal challenges with controls The nomination, but the attack on him made him lose the ability to withstand and as a result of his injury, he was transferred to the hospital. Unfortunately, some blocs continued the procedures of the session without any legal basis.

At a time when we hold the political parties behind this escalation fully responsible for all the repercussions that will happen on this exclusivity and the use of violence and chaos to impose wills

We have registered the most numerous parliamentary bloc in accordance with the constitutional procedures, and we will address this irresponsible exclusivity in the political decision and prevent the country from being taken into the unknown.