The coordination framework accuses Al-Halbousi’s party of trying to bring down Haider al-Abadi

The coordination framework accuses Al-Halbousi’s party of trying to bring down Haider al-Abadi


The coordination framework accuses Al-Halbousis party of trying to bring down Haider al-AbadiInformation / Baghdad..
On Tuesday, the Coordination Framework accused the Taqadum Party, headed by Muhammad al-Halbousi, of trying to bring down former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.

The coordination coordinator stated in a statement received by the Maalouma Agency, “While the coordination framework praises the role of Haider al-Abadi during the period of the war against ISIS terrorist gangs, it denounces the unacceptable overreach and the attempt to distort the facts by people with projective goals whose goal is known at this time.”

He continued, “The framework confirms that it worked hard to restore the national ranks and move the political process towards stability, but at the same time it rejects and denounces the statement issued by the Taqaddam bloc regarding Dr. Al-Abadi and the many accusations, deceptions and fallacies in it, and that history bears witness to the great sacrifices that were made that culminated in the victory over ISIS gangs.” We do not accept that it be confiscated, but rather distort the facts and bring charges against those who contributed to it.”

He added, “The political blocs must preserve the gains achieved instead of escalating for ends that do not serve the stability situation the country is currently experiencing at all levels.”