The commander of US armies: the Iraqi army is ready for battle Mosul

The commander of US armies: the Iraqi army is ready for battle Mosul

9/21/2016 18:23

The commander of US armies - the Iraqi army is ready for battle Mosul{International: Euphrates News} confirmed commander of US troops Gen. Joe Donford, said on Wednesday that Iraqi forces will be ready by next month to wage the battle of the restoration of Mosul Daesh terrorist gangs.

He Donford “Our assessment today that the Iraqis will have at the beginning of October / October all the necessary forces to battle Mosul asses, trained and deployed and equipped.”
He added that ” the timing of that process stops, today ‘s reality, the political decision of the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi.”
As part of the preparations and preparations the upcoming battle, arrived in Iraq , 400 US troops in preparation for the liberalization of Mosul, the second largest city of southern Iraq Daesh gangs. ”
he predicted the beginning of the liberation of Mosul process , officials in October / October as Iraqi forces were preparing for this battle.
it was Steven Townsend , commander of the international coalition forces said earlier, told the “Wall Street Journal”, ” the soldiers sent to support Iraqi forces in the city of Qayyarah south of Mosul known starting point for coalition forces , ” and added that “there is in Iraq is now more than five thousand US troops.” End quote