The collapse of the Mosul Dam disaster superiority of Hurricane Katrina, “a thousand times”

Ebadi, an adviser to: the collapse of the Mosul Dam disaster superiority of Hurricane Katrina, “a thousand times”

Published on: Today, 10:36

The collapse of the Mosul Dam disaster superiority of Hurricane Katrina - a thousand timesBAGHDAD / Hassan Shammari:
Stressed adviser in the office of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, said Thursday that the collapse of the Mosul Dam disaster superiority of Hurricane Katrina, “a thousand times,” warning of the asylum organization “Daash” to blow up the dam in the event of their withdrawal from Mosul.
Quoted the Middle East newspaper, in a report seen by “Sky Press,” for the chancellor, who declined to be named told reporters, “The danger of the collapse of the Mosul dam and threatened the city affects regain control of Daash plans,” adding that “Americans often mention Hurricane Katrina but the collapse of the dam would be a thousand times worse. ”
Recall that in 2005, Hurricane Katrina swept the city of New Orleans and the US led to the killing of two thousand people before it raises the wave of looting and violence, the authorities seemed entirely powerless before it.
The counselor explained, “If the dam collapsed sweep height of water 12 to 15 meters in the center of Mosul .. and then be gone, which means that 500 thousand people will spend within hours», according to Agence France-Presse.
He added that another dam in Samarra, hundreds of kilometers downstream may also fall apart, destined to be a wave several meters high when they reach Baghdad.
According to assess issued by Engineer Battalion in the US Army and stated in a report issued by the Iraqi parliament that «all the information that was collected last year indicate that the Mosul dam in danger of collapse is much larger than originally thought».
The report, published on its parliament also added that Mosul Dam «Fair collapse today than compared with a year ago».
There were high-level contacts between the US administration and the Baghdad and Washington, which has exercised pressure to start urgent restoration work.
Since the construction of the dam is completed in 1984, the Iraqi government sought to strengthen its foundations by pumping cement material, especially in the gaps that appear under construction.
As has become a regular slight seismic activity in the region poses a potential threat. As concerns also multiply the likelihood of the use of the organization Daash dam as a weapon.
He explained Advisor: «If you walked attack on Mosul as planned, there is a terrifying scenario that the (Daash) beat himself with his withdrawal from the dam Mosul».
The international coalition that will be the main role in the restoration process of Mosul air strikes, it is feared that the intensive bombing campaign affect the dam next door.
The adviser: «They are concerned in this regard, and carefully studying the types of ammunition they will use in Mosul process». But the alliance has not been raised at any time these concerns. After the restoration of the city of Ramadi, forces opposed to «Daash» may seek to attack in Mosul before regaining control of smaller cities such as Fallujah or Hawija.
It highlights an additional source of concern with the deployment of Iraqi forces southeast of the city, a deepening economic crisis.
The government of Iraq’s Kurdistan region experiencing difficulties in financing its troops out of the Peshmerga, which currently controls the dam is likely to play a major role in the process of Mosul.
After winning the Italian holding company Trevi restoration of the dam Rome agreed to send about 450 soldiers to protect the engineering teams that will work on the project.
The chancellor said: «Prime Minister with the Peshmerga, it was agreed, and with the support of US to withdraw its troops».
He added: «upon the arrival of the Italian force Vsttoly ensure the security of the dam, so it is no dispute about who would be responsible».
In Rome, Ebadi called for the Italian company in charge of the reform of the plug connector to «accelerate» at the start of the workshop restoration.
He said, according to the Italian translation of his remarks in Arabic at a joint press conference with his Italian counterpart Matteo Renzi: «assume moral responsibility and national responsibility to ensure the protection of this dam. I thank the Italian government commitment at this level. »
Renzi Wednesday did not give any figure or timetable, Mtkvia saying that Iraqi and Italian governments «are coordinating together to secure this region».
However, the consultant reported that the prime minister hopes to sign the contract within two weeks, and estimated to be worth about $ 320 million will help the World Bank in funding.
Due to the relative warmth of the winter, which may cause the early melting of snow is expected that the Italian company to start work soon and will allocate seven months to repair the gates of the lower dam.
And it is expected to take the rest of the main business an additional 18 months at least.
Counsel added that «the prime minister doubted that the subcontracting streaked delay or corruption, he played an active role in ensuring the contract monitoring and checking it closely».
Has long played down the Iraqi Ministry of Water of the danger posed by the Mosul Dam.
However, the dam was built on the foundations of an unstable under continuous corrosion and resulting lack of maintenance of the dam after the control of the organization Daash him briefly in 2014 to weaken the structure flawed.
US officer said the extremists were expelled workers and stole equipment from the dam in 2014, but resumed pumping cement since. According to the US assessment of the January 30 (January), the «reduced ability to pump your cement during the past year almost certainly led to an unprecedented level of blanks that have not dealt primarily due to the continued erosion Geological»