The Change Bloc proposes to Al-Kazemi a 5-point solution to the conflict areas

The Change Bloc proposes to Al-Kazemi a 5-point solution to the conflict areas

5/18/2020 17:44

The Change Bloc proposes to Al-Kazemi a 5-point solution to the conflict areas[Baghdad-Where]
The parliamentary change bloc sent a message to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, on the disputed areas, on Monday, proposing a 5-point solution.
“The serious and unfortunate events that occurred recently in many parts of the disputed areas clearly indicate the reorganization and formation of ISIS gangs for their terrorist cells,” the head of the bloc, Youssef Mohamed Sadiq, said in a statement.
He added, “Because the first duties of the government are to preserve the security, lives, and property of citizens, and because these chronic problems and their events are not the first and may not be the last, unless all parties cooperate, and all sincere efforts and intentions come together, and this is what we hope will be among the priorities of the Al-Kazemi government’s work.”
Sadiq continued, “We ask the Prime Minister to take firm, effective and speedy measures whose priorities will be to lay down a comprehensive and urgent plan to confront ISIS gangs by coordinating between the military and federal security forces in all their formations with the Peshmerga forces, managing the security file in these areas jointly, directing the effort and military positioning For this task, no cross-examination between the federal forces and the Peshmerga in some areas where there are no security problems, such as the regions of Shwan, Leylan and Qarahnagir. ”
Sadiq called for “the re-formation of the governmental Article 140 committee and activating its work to continue the procedures for implementing this constitutional article, and the formation of crisis management cells in the districts of these regions to confront the burning of farmers’ crops, compensate the affected, and prosecute the perpetrators of these events from terrorist elements and some infiltrators and conflict-seekers. Ethnic and sectarian. ”
The head of the Parliamentary Change Bloc stressed the need to “normalize the administrative conditions in Kirkuk governorate and other districts in these areas, conduct administrative affairs in partnership between the components of these regions, and achieve a balance in appointments and provide equal opportunities in accordance with competency and professional standards.”
Sadiq called for “stopping all continuous Arabization measures, and canceling the decisions of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council with regard to extinguishing agricultural lands for Kurdish and Turkmen farmers, or transferring the ownership of these lands to citizens of other components and from other regions of Iraq within the framework of the Arabization policy of the previous regime.”