The central bank will open a branch in the Middle Euphrates, based in Najaf

The central bank will open a branch in the Middle Euphrates, based in Najaf

11/6/2016 9:46

The central bank will open a branch in the Middle Euphrates based in Najaf[Oan- Baghdad]
CBI decided the opening of a branch in the Middle Euphrates region and the selection of the province of Najaf – based.
According to a statement to inform the bank received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that “the Iraqi Central Bank administration decided to establish a subsidiary to manage its activities and functions in the Middle Euphrates region and chose the province of Najaf – based, bringing the number of branches of the central bank ‘s five branches in addition to Baghdad, Basra, Mosul, Arbil, Sulaimaniya, the Middle Euphrates]. ”
He pointed to” visit of a delegation from the Central Bank of the province of Najaf and met with the governor to discuss opening a bank branch in the Middle Euphrates arrangements, explained members of the delegation of the Central Bank of the regulatory functions and its role in price stability and development, and the need to set up branch of the bank exercising the roles and functions. ”
He commended the governor of Najaf Luay al – Yassiri , according Alaaan” on this initiative and instructed to meet the requirements of the establishment of the branch and it carries to his duties. ”