The central bank approves the return 14 banks were excluded from the currency auction

The central bank approves the return 14 banks were excluded from the currency auction

06/11/2015 10:46

The central bank approves the return 14 banks were excluded from the currency auctionTomorrow Press / BAGHDAD: The Iraqi Association of Banks, on Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq agreed to the return of fourteen banks that were excluded from the auction currency, indicating that the bank decided traceable terms. The executive director of the Association Tariq for “tomorrow Press,” that “the Bank CBI issued a few days before the decision to deport 14 regional banks from participating in the auction currency, as well as to stop the strengthening of their assets abroad because of its failure to pay all amounts due Bzmtha all deductions and tax secretariats and customs and transferred to the account of the General Authority for taxes and the General Authority for Customs. ” He added that ” Association moved into their work tasks to the Central Bank explained the position of those banks and the consequences of the impact of the resolution on the market and the dollar exchange rate, “noting that” the central bank took into consideration those actions and decided to return these banks are all to currency auction. ” He stressed that “the central bank decided to gives to those banks 10 days to arrange and put files on deductions for tax and customs, and to the contrary to be excluded once and for all. ” He said Tariq that “private banks seeking to market development and support of the Iraqi dinar at the same time through plans and projects.” She had issued the Central Bank of Iraq Monday’s decision to exclude 14 of the Bank to engage in currency auction and Khrmanh from buying the dollar, causing a rise the dollar’s exchange rate against the dinar.