The banking system foiled attempt piracy (280) billion dinars

The banking system foiled attempt piracy (280) billion dinars

11/29/2014 11:37 GMT

The banking system foiled attempt piracy 280 billion dinarsFollow-up – and babysit – Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords announced in the second Iraqi banking conference that the banking system thwarted attempt piracy (280) billion dinars.
He stressed relationship, that private banks contributed to reveal the biggest scam of piracy 280 billion dinars, while stressing the need to apply the principle of cooperation among financial institutions to prevent piracy, which would fund terrorism and organized crime operations.

Keywords and said the development of the banking reality in Iraq, which was held at the Babylon Hotel in Baghdad and was attended by the correspondent of the News Agency of public opinion Conference (and babysit), said that “some groups of financial and banking institutions used in the practice of acts of piracy”, calling for “coordination and cooperation together to prevent crime Banking may occur. ”

He Keywords that “banking and private device were able to cooperate and coordinate among themselves that encircles the biggest bank fraud in the history of Iraq and planned through piracy 280 billion dinars as a down payment,” stressing the need to “apply the principle of cooperation among financial institutions to prevent piracy, which would financed terrorism and organized crime operations. ”

A source in the Iraqi police detection, earlier, for the disappearance of an employee at a bank after embezzling 40 billion dinars out of 142 billion to banks turned natives, confirming the presence of security alert to search for those employed after the issuance of an arrest warrant right.

While Bush’s Rafidain Bank on behalf of the Director Kamal al-Hassani, said the bank was able to steal the money from the employee within 48 hours of booking, while attributing the cause of this breach to the adoption of the bank on the new electronic system staff did not get used to after use.