The achievement of 635 page exposes America’s mistakes in Iraq, the most prominent are the following

The achievement of 635 page exposes America’s mistakes in Iraq, the most prominent are the following

2016/8/16 06:48:42 PM

Obama and MalikiAn exchange of US politicians and the competent institutions in charge of the Iraqi file, the blame for things that are not her Iraq to the degree to which described them as “Mstguena”, in which the United States suspended until destroyed its image in the Middle East, pruning the region and the re are not Thzbh administration there.

It thus continued even agree on what seems, the parties to the US administration to blame the biggest measure performed by the US State Department, which carried the Zertha time, and current candidate for the American presidency, “Hillary Clinton” full responsibility for the United States, the loss of the achievements realized such withdrawal.

The Washington Post, in this context, has published the full report shows how things go before the US withdrawal in 2011, and reveal details know for the first time for that period, which Iraq and the United States is still paying the price for the mistakes committed through.

How was it? ..

The story began when the report by former Iraqi prime minister, “Nuralmaliki” traveled to Washington in 2011, to meet a group of politicians, officials and senior US lobbies there, who will determine the shape of Iraq after the departure of tanks and soldiers to the Iraqi land.

In fact, Blair’s home in Washington, met with senior US administration since the forties of the last century, and of them were present there, “Hillary Clinton”, which talked extensively about her department’s ability to stop the sectarian bloodshed in Iraq over the approach applied by the State under its supervision.

After three years, the country has collapsed almost entirely, the Iraqi army lost an American coach, and Daash accounted for three quarters Lands Iraq, and the approach that she gloried in Clinton, and contained to prevent the escalation of the sectarian tide in Iraq, has failed miserably.

This case had come to light larger than during the US presidential candidate against Clinton, “Donald Trump” statements, which confirmed that the renaissance Daash in Iraq bear sin President Barack Obama, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, where the last failed to maintain the fragile peace obtained by the Americans in Iraq the price is very high-priced.

The documents revealed by the Washington Post, confirmed that Clinton and her Cabinet ambitions in Iraq, and the arms of the US government which, eventually led to the exit status of control, where she focused on increasing its authority over the military and intelligence programs in Iraq, at a time when al-Maliki’s keenness in which to look at these programs as Garmreh interference in Iraqi affairs, which ultimately led to inconsistencies and mistakes in the work of these programs, thus creating a gap, made the United States is losing its role in the fight against extremism in Iraq.

These documents also confirmed that the approach adopted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs led ultimately to further approach coming from Congress and of reducing the US presence as much as possible in Iraq, eventually led to the disruption or cancellation of numerous military and intelligence programs after the withdrawal, which is one of the most important ingredients essential for the stability of Iraq and to maintain the security level achieved at the time.

US commanders on land they offer this new approach, stressing that the deduction, passed by Congress and the White House regarding funding for programs in Iraq, spent on more than 90% of the basics of maintaining the security.

Our work was confined for preventing what happened, we felt helpless when pulled us the powers to act, Admiral “Edward Winter” and Mdermketb security cooperation in Iraq.

Strategic gap ..

Perhaps the only thing that hit where Clinton was the expectation that al-Maliki, according to confidential correspondence, you will not be able to keep things under control, where he confirmed that losses associated in the end in favor of the chaos, to grow up al Qaeda again, while keen in which to pay more funding in favor of the so-called “civil”, which means the use of private security companies and intelligence to keep the situation in Iraq safe security programs.

Anthony Jay Blakins, Deputy Foreign Minister of the time, and Zubrh long in the service of this post, he said, that the United States has very sharply, cutting off much of the Iraqi security and software money, while I managed to reach the required material savings level, it failed to assess foundations required for the priorities of its foreign policy in Iraq and provide the necessary resources for the flag, causing its collapse in the end.

Strategic gap, as he put it, are the ones that came during the period of transition from the military presence in Iraq to civil, where confirmed that the important strategic decisions were supposed to be taken in that period, but did not have to address, which he described as a strategic gap led to usurped results by Iraq today.

One of those programs that have been canceled, is the reconciliation that was supposed to be closer views between the sects and components of the Iraqi people, to cancel the program, divorced chain reactions led to the renaissance of the organization Daash in northern and western Iraq, Colonel, “Rick Walsh,” and who oversaw the program before the US withdrawal, confirmed that the direct results of this deduction in the budget, leading to the loss of the Sunni component Americans, confident, and thus more inclination towards Al-Qaeda and its successor Daash.

Obama guilt ..

Campaign that Obama waged to carry out his campaign promises during the presidential race period, during which he said he would seek to reduce the US war effort in the world, including Iraq, have led him to the refusal to keep any American military presence a real after 2011, even the basic outline who was serving to keep 10,000 troops on standby Abralarac, was canceled in favor of a slight presence.

It eventually led to the creation of other military gap and security in Iraq, Phi presence of a small force was serve Iraq’s security at a very high level, and therefore, sought the US administration to be replaced by soldiers in large numbers of civilian contractors, very expensive costs, but the plan has not been Maraam according to him, the collapse of talks in this aspect with Iraq, and end up withdrawing all actors of US troops on the ground in Iraq.

Factors did not stop at the figures the Americas only, and Orteuroh for Iraq and led to the situation that it is today, the report, which was published via the Washington Post, consists of 635 pages, speaks at length on the details that come into contact with is the most important of what has been revealed about the data installed for the US role in the collapse of the Iraq after the withdrawal from mistakes had been made.

Source: Washington Post