Terms of the documents … undeclared IMF on Iraq in return for lending

Terms of the documents … undeclared IMF on Iraq in return for lending

Saturday, July 2, 2016 11:36

Terms of the documents - undeclared IMF on Iraq in return for lendingI got / Baghdadi News / … on the set of documents showing the conditions of the International Monetary Fund on Iraq in return for granting loans.
The document revealed that “part of the conditions that are colorful cut staff pensions and modify the military services’ salaries in order to provide additional revenue for the state.”
According to those documents for many terms not disclosed in the media, including the reduction of the wage bill increased by 3.0 trillion Iraqi dinars through natural withdrawal from the delay of appointment processes and freeze the labor market.
The condition of the International Monetary also reduced item of goods and services to make room for increasing wages of electricity and reduce the renewal of the food stocks in the public distribution system
It is clear from these documents that the government should commit in 2016 to reduce the non-oil primary deficit.
The government will implement the measures and the numerous conditions in order to adjust spending in the public finances, while the Minister of Finance to approve the new draft of the Law on Public Financial Management, according to the World Bank notes.
It is said that the International Monetary Fund conditions for many of the most prominent of debt repayment and the payment of oil companies and monitor the work of state institutions as well as to stop the appointments for three years and Gerha.anthy 21 / T
