Tehran re-Maliki to the political forefront despite Washington, Saudi Arabia and Turkey

Tehran re-Maliki to the political forefront despite Washington, Saudi Arabia and Turkey

Saturday April 15, 2017 at 11:43

Tehran re-Maliki to the political forefront despite Washington Saudi Arabia and TurkeyFollow-up / Sky Press:

Iran is seeking to re-Nuri al-Maliki, the former Iraqi prime minister to the presidency of the ruling Shiite alliance in Iraq, so as to bring it back to the presidency of the government instead of the current Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who began approaching from Washington in its conflict with Tehran on Iraq as a center of influence.

With the declaration of the Supreme Council leader Ammar al-Hakim, the end of his duties as President of the ruling coalition of Shiite, awaits al-Maliki, the head of a coalition of state law, assume the presidency of the coalition, which has a monopoly on the process of naming the prime minister.

Hakim announced mid-week that he will relinquish the presidency of the “Iraqi National Alliance”, which includes all deputies Shiites in the Iraqi parliament.

Hakim said he completed the minimum limits of compatibility between the powers of the problem of this alliance, which is the rule of law led by al-Maliki, and the Liberals, led by Muqtada al-Sadr, the Supreme Council for his leadership, and the Virtue Party, led by Mohammed al-Yacoubi.

According to Shi’ite political sources in Baghdad, the naming agreement wise head of the National Alliance for one year, states that al-Maliki is to assume the chairmanship of the alliance thereafter.

If things go on this basis, the Maliki took the stage coalition will nominate the next prime minister in Iraq, which is consistent with the strategy drawn by the head of a coalition of state law for himself in order to return to the prime minister in the new mandate.

Revealed a prominent leader of the coalition of state law in an interview that al-Maliki “almost certain that his return to the post of prime minister, which he held eight years, impossible,” explaining that “Maliki more aware of the internal and external objections that prevent his return as prime minister.”

He adds that “the United States will not accept his return, as well as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, as it has big problems with them.”

Observers said that Maliki’s return to the presidency of the ruling coalition comes at an important political circumstance may benefit from him in his quest for a third term, especially in light of Iranian fears of a strong return to Washington to clear Iraq and its desire to restore the dominance of Tehran.

Iraqi political observer noted that “Iran seems that it will not abandon Maliki, under the current circumstances you feel the possibility that the United States plays a crucial role in scaling its presence and its expansion in Iraq.”

The observer added in a statement for “Arab” that “the next war between the two parties if signed would be an area of ​​Iraq. So Iran feels the need to devote al-Maliki, a Shiite phenomenon belonging to her, away from the Shiite voices calling for distancing away from Iraq, an Iranian-American conflict is expected, as is the case with al-Abadi. ”

He said that “Iran has tried to compensate Maliki for the loss of prime minister through the political godfather of the National Alliance inauguration, which was Ammar al-Hakim, led by a figurehead, which led him to issue the Shiite scene hard-line in the defense of the popular crowd as one of the most important fruits of years of his reign,” asserting that ” without the fall of Mosul, what could have Totlv Shiite militias to form a single militia. ”

Maliki faces, internally, intercept most of the Sunni political parties and the bulk of the Kurds, as well as that objection represented by a major Shi’ite Sadr.

According to the spokesman, the Maliki, who is aware of the difficulty overcome all these external and internal objections to his return, he plans to become a “kingmaker”, and will not find the most important site of the head of the Shiite alliance to play this role.

The head of the Shiite alliance will enable the site of al-Maliki played a major role in the naming of the process of Iraqi Prime Minister, after the general elections scheduled for April 2018.

But the Sadrists, who kept to attend meetings of the coalition for the duration of the presidency of his wise, although not leaving their declaration, may be forced to leave if Maliki took his presidency, according to observers.

Maliki is betting on the Shiite parties are forced to gather in a single political entity after the election if it is to maintain the post of prime minister.

Even after the principal parties in the coalition turned against him when his candidacy for the third term, and payment by current Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi instead of him, Maliki did not leave this alliance, because the exit means the loss of work within the parliamentary bloc, which holds the majority of parliament seats and controls the nomination of candidates for major executive positions .

Observers say that the sharp differences between the Shiite political parties is governed by a certain ceiling, if the majority will lose power overtaken.
