Tamimi: central policy to sell dollar reserves and serve the corrupt Bank of $ 50 billion

Tamimi: central policy to sell dollar reserves and serve the corrupt Bank of $ 50 billion

Posted, 07/03/2016 23:58 [Oan- Baghdad]

Tamimi - central policy to sell dollar reserves and serve the corrupt Bank of 50 billionDescribed a member of the parliamentary finance committee Majida al – Tamimi, the Iraqi Central Bank ‘s policy in Mzadeh to sell the currency as “serving the corrupt.” According to the plan.
Said al – Tamimi told all of Iraq [where] that “what goes into the oil imports go to auction currency the central bank , which sells more of them and continue this non – trump politics is a service of the corrupt.”
It added that ” the Finance Committee plans to host the central bank governor [agency] on the Keywords with Other parties to discuss this matter. ”
Tamimi pointed out that the committee had raised the bank ‘s governor at a meeting earlier with” a number of questions, including that which buys dollar traders are supposed to enter products for the same amount that he bought from the auction currency, but what are the guarantees for that and he [any merchant] dollar may sell to others or perhaps imported goods is less than the amount bought from the currency. ”
she continued , ” We also asked the governor to present his vision of how to control this issue because traders are bringing false invoices for the introduction of goods which in real not imported or she is less than the amount. ”
she drew Tamimi that” the amount of central bank reserves from the dollar in the last number have informed the Bank that $ 59 billion, but I do not think it is true , which is logical because there are sales going on to the bank , and in my view that this figure is not accurate it is probably at the beginning of the fifty billion dollars. ”
the statistics of the Central Bank of Iraq reported the sale of the bank $ 2.5 billion during the month of February the second Mnkhvzh more than $ 800 million from January last , who sold the bank more than $ 3.3 billion.
it was noted recently that sales Central auction recorded a decrease was the lowest it months ago where he did not exceed the number of the 100 million days barrier compared to previous – month period and even after the financial crisis that began with a decline in oil prices in July 2014 were ranging from 225 to 300 million dollars and sometimes more.
and raised suspicions of corruption and operations money laundering through the central bank auction as announced, specializing in national integrity and economic crime and money laundering a misdemeanor court, on 20 August issued sentences of imprisonment and a fine against officials in the Rafidain and the north after being convicted on charges of corruption and money laundering, banner earlier in the presence of 20 defendants in these cases , some degree of chairman. ”
