Talabani to discuss with the delegation of the Liberal block the latest political developments and efforts to resolve the current crisis

On: Sun 05/13/2012 19:36

Baghdad (news) .. President Jalal Talabani, said Sunday in Baghdad, with a delegation block free parliamentary included both the head of the bloc Bahaa al-Araji, MP Jawad Alshahyla, the latest political developments and the efforts to put an end to the current crisis. 
A statement from the Presidency of the Republic received the Agency ( news) a copy of it on Sunday: The meeting dealt with latest developments and political developments and efforts to resolve the problems and put an end to the crisis facing the country. The statement added that emphasis was placed on finding effective solutions and a process to overcome the problems and obstacles through resorting to the principles of the Constitution and agreements for the transition to the new phase, a phase of completion of the state and its institutions in accordance with the partnership of national and constitutional balance and the development and pace of work in order to provide the required services to citizens. / Finished / t. U /
