Financial representative to discuss with the Iraqi Central fluctuation rate of the dinar
06/05/2012 20:17
Erbil, May 6 / May (Rn) – The Finance Committee in the Iraqi parliament on Sunday it had discussed with the Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi fluctuation of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and other currencies.witnessing the Iraqi market is currently rising to the U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar, where the price of one dollar in the shops of banking in the Iraqi market to about 1228 dinars, and Some attribute this to the restrictions imposed by the Bank on the sales of hard currency. and the Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Central Bank of Iraq, Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, sanctions
Director of private banks: the coming period will witness the entry of international banks to partner with the Iraqi
On: Sun 05/06/2012 8:36
Baghdad (news) .. most likely director of the Association of private banks Abdul Aziz Hassoun, entry of international banks known to the Iraqi market for the purpose of sharing with Iraqi banks in the performance of its duties banking in the coming period.
said Goldfinch (of the Agency news): There is a great desire by the international banks to contract with the Iraqi banks in order to participate in its work and the transfer of technological global banking to it, adding that negotiations are still ongoing with council departments, banking, and Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Central Bank of Iraq, Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, sanctions
Talabani calls for Ban Ki-moon, the liberation of Iraq from Chapter VII
Posted 30/03/2012 08:13 AM
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Chapter VII, sanctions
Sistani calls for the abolition of sanctions on Iraq
Called on the religious authority Ali al-Sistani leaders of the Arab and world leaders to work to abolish the sanctions imposed against Iraq.
Sheikh Ahmad said net Sistani’s representative at Friday prayers in Karbala that the lifting of sanctions is necessary to restore Iraq’s full sovereignty.
demanding… Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Chapter VII, sanctions