Banks in Iraqi Kurdistan out of cash
Banks in Iraqi Kurdistan out of cash
04 Jan 2014
Locals in Iraqi Kurdistan have found that they are unable to withdraw cash from their accounts. This is a prominent problem though for the locals that happens every year at this point of time. The liquidity of money has been sole responsible for this. On the other hand, some of the financial analysts suspect that a plot and locals have started keeping their cash under the bed.
Nawzat Qader is standing helplessly in front of a bank in Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: IQD, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-3-13
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-3-13
10-3-2013 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [If Iraq can function on it’s own, as they are now doing, why would there be a rush for them to RV their currency at this point and time?] there never HAS been a “huge rush” to RV. The CBI is smart enough to know that if they RV before everything is in place (such as HCL and Chapter 7), they would not be able to maintain the higher value, and it would be a disaster. By maintaining the current value while they work on the other issues, they are ensuring future success, and that is good for ALL of us. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Guru, IQD, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions. 9-20-13
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions. 9-20-13
9-20-2013 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: “Turkish criticizes calls for the formation of the central bank monitors and confirms: Hereby serve the Iraqi economy policy” Maliki wants to take credit for the rise in the value of the dinar and for all of the good things that will come from it. Therefore he has sent a bill to parliament to have it create a “council” headed either by himself or by he COM which will “oversee” the unfolding of the 5 year plan. By creating this council he will be able to take credit for the results. Turki is wise enough to know that it “might” lead to Maliki attempting to control the CBI, but I believe that this is now a secondary consideration for Maliki. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Guru, IQD, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions. 9-19-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions. 9-19-2013
9-19-2013 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Turkish criticizes calls for the formation of the central bank monitors and confirms: Hereby serve the Iraqi economy policy” Good to hear from Turki. They dont need another committee or board to monitor what the CBI should be doing. Turki agrees. In other words, Maliki wants to keep it weak. Hopefully, that won’t be possible considering the momentum is now moving forward. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Guru, IQD, Iraqi Dinar