International Monetary Fund praises Iraq’s actions to achieve comprehensive economic development
International Monetary Fund praises Iraq’s actions to achieve comprehensive economic development
2017-08-14 at 18:07 (Baghdad time)
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The International Monetary Fund praised the government’s measures aimed at achieving comprehensive economic development through controlling and reducing spending, encouraging investment and going to the private sector as well as serious steps towards maximizing Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: International Monetary Fund
Parliamentary Finance: Iraq in the coming years will depend on loans
Parliamentary Finance: Iraq in the coming years will depend on loans
08/04/2017 17:15
Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed on Saturday that Iraq needs to borrow from the IMF, and the World Bank in the coming years, stressing the need to draw a clear-cut and long-term economic plans.
A member of the committee MP Ahmad Sarhan, in a press statement that “Iraq needs continuous loans from the World Bank or Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: International Monetary Fund
Iraq begins new consultations with the IMF and the World Bank
Iraq begins new consultations with the IMF and the World Bank
Saturday 18 March 2017 at 12:05
BAGHDAD / Sky Press: Iraq begins a new round of consultations and discussions with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in Washington DC late next April.
According to a statement of the Fund at the end of his consultations with the Iraqi government in the Jordanian capital Amman yesterday, that “the Iraqi authorities and experts Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: IMF, International Monetary Fund, World Bank
The International Monetary Fund expects limited growth of Iraq’s economy in 2017
The International Monetary Fund expects limited growth of Iraq’s economy in 2017
03/18/2017 14:56
{International: Euphrates News} predicted the International Monetary Fund on Saturday, limited the growth of the Iraqi economy for the current year, mainly because of the commitment agreement “OPEC” to reduce the membership of the Organization of crude oil production.
The IMF said in a statement following the visit Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: IMF, International Monetary Fund
Ebadi, an adviser to deny credit negotiations with the International Monetary failure
Ebadi, an adviser to deny credit negotiations with the International Monetary failure
2017/3/17 17:16
[Oan- Baghdad]
denied an economic adviser to Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, the news about the negotiations with the IMF on the willingness of credit for the failure of Iraq.
Chancellor said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, in response to news meetings of the International Monetary Fund Meeting held Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: International Monetary Fund
Saleh: Iraq is still within safe levels of loans
Saleh: Iraq is still within safe levels of loans
3/16/2017 0:00
Baghdad / morning / Alaa al – Tai in
response to what is being said about the “inflation” debt owed by Iraq, assured the Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that Iraq is still within safe levels , according to the global scale of borrowing and public debt, describing the strategy of the government ‘s economic reform that It included taking Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Dollar, International Monetary Fund, Iraqi Dinar
{Central}: proposes to diversify revenue to attract hard currency
{Central}: proposes to diversify revenue to attract hard currency
1/26/2017 0:00
BAGHDAD / morning specialists in economic affairs seeking through the discussions in the forums to get to the results that can be applied after the search mechanisms make it work in order to promote general economic and financial reality of the country. And the holding of the Iraqi Center for Development and Media recently the national monthly meeting in which the central bank governor , Dr. Ali Keywords guest with a group of academics, Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Central Bank of Iraq, Dollar, International Monetary Fund, Iraqi Dinar
Central Bank Governor: No plans to cancel the sale of currency window
Central Bank Governor: No plans to cancel the sale of currency window
16/1/2017 0:17
BAGHDAD / Tariq al – Araji ,
said Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords there is currently no intention to cancel the sale of currency window.
Keywords and said in the interview with »Sabah» Dialogue: The «subject to delete the zeros still exists and its implementation requires security and political stability of the country», declaring the quest to combat money laundering operations.
The following is the text of the interview: * There is a delay in the Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Central Bank of Iraq, Delete three zero's, Dollar, International Monetary Fund, Iraqi Dinar
French court condemns Director of the International Monetary Fund to “negligence”
French court condemns Director of the International Monetary Fund to “negligence”
20.12.2016 at 09:11 (Baghdad time)
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Dan French judiciary, Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde on charges of “neglect” allowed the process to a large embezzlement of funds, General when she was minister of the economy, but decided to exempt from punishment.
French Economy Minister from 2007 to 2011 did not attend the verdict hearing in the Court of Justice of the Republic in Paris. And Read more…
Categories: UNCATEGORIZED Tags: International Monetary Fund, World Bank
Director of the International Monetary Fund before the French judiciary
Director of the International Monetary Fund before the French judiciary
12.12.2016 13:35
{INTERNATIONAL: Euphrates News} begin Monday in the trial of France, director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, on charges of neglect may be allowed access of embezzlement of public funds, when she was Secretary of the French economy.
Lagarde is facing a prison sentence up to one year and a fine of 15 thousand euros.
Former French minister and prosecute before the Court of Justice of Read more…
Categories: UNCATEGORIZED Tags: International Monetary Fund
A positive outlook for the Iraqi economy in the next year
A positive outlook for the Iraqi economy in the next year
7/12/2016 0:00
After receiving the second installment of the IMF loan
BAGHDAD / Mustafa al – Hashemi
At a time when Iraq got it on the second installment of the IMF loan of $ 617.8 million of the total value of the loan for a period of three years, which is estimated at $ 5.34 billion, an economic Academy called for the need to approach the amounts of such loans to achieve economic development, including the It would reduce dependence on external borrowing to finance the budget deficit.
The International Monetary Fund predicted an overall growth of Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: International Monetary Fund
International Monetary distracted for Iraq to $ 617.8 million after the completion of the first review
International Monetary distracted for Iraq to $ 617.8 million after the completion of the first review
06.12.2016 9:51
[Where – Follow – up]
International Monetary Fund announced that its Executive Board completed the first review of the implementation of the standby credit agreement with Iraq , held for three years , a deal which aims to assist Iraq in the implementation of economic reform and the restoration of fiscal balance in the medium term program.
The International Monetary Fund said in a statement, said the Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: International Monetary Fund
IMF … between the development of economy and finance of corruption in Iraq
IMF … between the development of economy and finance of corruption in Iraq
Posted 28/11/2016 11:09 AM
Corruption and economic disarray practiced by successive governments in Iraq since 2003, in all its forms and fields is more greedy and deadly and spread the country’s economy from the direct physical occupation.
And it highlights the seriousness of the corruption Iraq’s request to borrow from the International Monetary Fund; to address the deficit in the balance of payments on the one hand and dumping the Iraqi economy, debt and economic dependency does not end on the other hand; forcing Iraq to open the doors of its economy wide Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: IMF, International Monetary Fund, Iraqi Dinar
The government planned to borrow 21 trillion dinars to fill budget deficit
The government planned to borrow 21 trillion dinars to fill budget deficit
BAGHDAD / JD / .. plans to the federal government, to borrow a sum of money estimated at 21 trillion dinars from domestic and foreign banks to meet the 2017 budget deficit.
A member of the Finance Committee MP Ahmed Sarhan told / KD / 2017 that the budget deficit amounted to about 21 trillion Iraqi dinars, noting that the government has developed solutions and speculative Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: International Monetary Fund, Iraqi Dinar
Iraq received $ 2.5 billion in the first installment of foreign loans
Iraq received $ 2.5 billion in the first installment of foreign loans
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 15:36
BAGHDAD / Baghdadi Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance Fadhil Nabi Othman, Wednesday, gain the confidence of the IMF and the World Bank and the seven major countries to lend Iraq amounts in excess of $ 12 billion, pointing out that Iraq will receive the first batch of loans next month.
Osman said in a statement received / Baghdadi News / copy of it, Talazmh exist but they are not as in the past due to Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Central Bank of Iraq, International Monetary Fund, World Bank
Expectations approve the budget before the end of the year
Expectations approve the budget before the end of the year
30/10/2016 0:00
Saleh «morning»: reduce the fiscal deficit by half
predicted the financial advisor to the prime minister appearance of Mohammed Saleh approve the budget year 2017 before the end of this year.
Saleh said in a statement »Sabah»: The «2017 budget will amount to more than 100 trillion dinars », adding that« the budget will be Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: International Monetary Fund
Iraq will receive $ 634 million from the International Monetary Fund
Iraq will receive $ 634 million from the International Monetary Fund
18/10/2016 11:49
National Center Brief / NNC – Financial Advisor to the Prime Minister announced the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Tuesday, that Iraq will receive a second loan of $ 634 million after sending some clarifications to the IMF, noting that the talks led to a reduction of Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: IMF, International Monetary Fund
Saleh: The new round of talks to lend Iraq more than five billion dollars
Saleh: The new round of talks to lend Iraq more than five billion dollars
5/10/2016 0:00
BAGHDAD / Alaa al – Taie
revealed financial advisor to the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, the launch of a new round of for the implementation of the standby credit agreement in Washington talks next week, under which Iraq will receive five billion and $ 300 million as a soft loan to support the budget, during the period from 2016 to 2019 », adding that« the loan will allow Iraq ‘s international financial Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Dollar, IMF, International Monetary Fund
Central: The dollar fell a natural reserve and we have enough to import a long time
Central: The dollar fell a natural reserve and we have enough to import a long time
04.10.2016 13:22
Long-Presse / Baghdad
Counting the Iraqi Central Bank on Tuesday reduced its reserves from the dollar, “a natural phenomenon” due to lower selling prices, and stressed that this decrease was “vain” and achieved “very important” economic purposes, social, and as pointed out that the current reserves “are sufficient to cover Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Central Bank of Iraq, International Monetary Fund
Starting talks with the IMF next week
Starting talks with the IMF next week
4/10/2016 0:00
Iraq prepares to take over two billion dollars
BAGHDAD / Alaa al – Tai is
scheduled to testify next week ‘s start of talks between the government and the International Monetary Fund in Washington to implement prepare the credit agreement under which Iraq will receive five billion and $ 300 million as a soft loan to support the budget during the period from 2016 to 2019
announced therefore »Sabah» financial advisor to the Prime Minister, indicating that Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: International Monetary Fund