Posts Tagged ‘IMF’

A former official at the Central Bank: Money Box main Astnzvth expenses

A former official at the Central Bank: Money Box main Astnzvth expenses

26.03.2014 (0:01 pm)

A former official at the Central Bank-Money Box main Astnzvth expenses Baghdad / Wael grace

Said senior economist and deputy governor of the Central Bank of the previous appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said the money fund Iraq’s main it contains usually at about 18 billion dollars is enough necessary expenses and guaranteed for six months, while the decline in the amount currently, due to increased expenses, to a third, and spread concern among circles concerned, at the time you say informed sources Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - March 26, 2014 at 8:53 am

Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS   Tags: , , , , , , ,


Parliamentary economy: the government will be held accountable legally at their disposal Balahtiat cash

Parliamentary economy: the government will be held accountable legally at their disposal Balahtiat cash


Parliamentary economy-the government will be held accountable legally at their disposal Balahtiat cashBAGHDAD / JD / .. Commission threatened the economy and investment representative, the federal government held them accountable when legally use Balahtiat cash in hard currency with the central bank to bridge the budget deficit.
Said committee member Rep. Nora told Albjara / JD /: “The use of the federal government looming sovereign balance located in the Central Bank of hard currency to meet the budget deficit is expected to be significant Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - March 25, 2014 at 7:59 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Stuffing money in the mattress: why Iraqis refuse to use Iraqi banks

Stuffing money in the mattress: why Iraqis refuse to use Iraqi banks

Posted, 22 Mar 2014

Iraqi DinarIraq’s banking system is notoriously unstable, competitive, unsecure and riven by political infighting. MPs say they’re trying to improve the banking system but in the meantime, locals are still keeping cash in a box under the bed.

Saleh Majid owns an electrical supplies shop in Baghdad’s busy Shorja market area. And every day after the close of business, he takes all the money he has made that day home with him; he won’t deposit it in any Iraqi bank.

This is because Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - March 22, 2014 at 9:06 am

Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS   Tags: , ,


Expert: IMF select an option difficult for Iraq to overcome its budget deficit

Expert: IMF select an option difficult for Iraq to overcome its budget deficit

WEDNESDAY, 19 MARCH / MARCH 2014 13:05

Expert-IMF select an option difficult for Iraq to overcome its budget deficitTwilight News / counting banking expert and deputy governor of the Central Bank of the previous appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Wednesday, the option of the International Monetary Fund set in his last difficult to verify Iraq to overcome the problem of the fiscal deficit in the budget for 2014, which suffered exceeded 36 trillion dinars.

Saleh said “Twilight News”, the IMF said in his latest report that Iraq can overcome the problem of any financial or fiscal deficit, by maintaining the Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - March 19, 2014 at 8:46 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , , , ,


Planning expects the high rate of economic growth during the next three years to 16%

Planning expects the high rate of economic growth during the next three years to 16%

03.10.2014 (0:01 pm)

Planning expects the high rate of economic growth during the next three years to 16 percentBAGHDAD / Acer Jabbar

The Ministry of Planning, that the rate of economic growth of Iraq in 2012 and 2013, amounted to about 9%, and as expected to reach the level of growth over the next three years to about 16%, confirmed that it would increase the income of the Iraqi citizen and absorb unemployment and operating labor.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Planning Abdul-Zahra al-Hindawi said in an interview to the (long-Presse), “The economic growth rate for Iraq in the Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - March 10, 2014 at 9:21 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Central bank: 288 billion dollars sales volume of currency auctions since 2003 until now

Central bank: 288 billion dollars sales volume of currency auctions since 2003 until now

05.03.2014 (0:01 pm)

Central bank: 288 billion dollars sales volume of currency auctions since 2003 until now Baghdad / Acer Jabbar

Revealed the special bulletins Iraq’s central bank, issued most recently this week, the bank sold more than 228 billion dollars since the start of sessions currency auction in 2003, and so far, showed releases that the commissions earned by the bank of those sales ranged between 3 dinars per dollar, and 24 dinars .
shows and special bulletins containing the bank details of the currency auction, and seen by the (long-Presse), “The auction sales since its first session, in (the fourth of October 2003), and even today, more than Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - March 5, 2014 at 9:02 am

Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS   Tags: , , , , , ,


Economic Commission expects rise in the dollar due to delay budget

Economic Commission expects rise in the dollar due to delay budget


Iraqi Dinar-DollarBAGHDAD / JD /. Economic Commission predicted high sale price of the dollar, due to the delay in approving the budget, while suggesting that the long delay will lead to disruption of the pay of retirees, and install the grades
A member of the Economic Commission MP Albjara told Nora / JD / that the issue of the budget has become a political issue more than it is the subject of state-building economic cares, expressing the regret of the government to pursue the introduction of Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - March 1, 2014 at 8:07 am

Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS   Tags: , , , ,


Because of the deficit .. warnings from the International Monetary Fund objection on the budget

Because of the deficit .. warnings from the International Monetary Fund objection on the budget


Because of the deficit warnings from the International Monetary Fund objection on the budgetBAGHDAD / JD / .. Committee warned the economy and investment representative, the objection of the International Monetary Fund on the federal budget for the year 2014 due to increase its fiscal deficit to more than 35 billion dollars.
A member of the Committee MP Hussein Mura’bi Agency / JD /: “The increasing deficit of the general federal budget to more than 35 billion dollars will play objection large and categorical rejection by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, because it will lead to Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - February 27, 2014 at 8:12 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , , , ,


Fears of increasing the federal budget deficit to 50 billion dollars

Fears of increasing the federal budget deficit to 50 billion dollars


Fears of increasing the federal budget deficit to 50 billion dollarsBAGHDAD / JD / .. A number of MPs and economists fear of increasing federal budget deficit public to (50) billion dollars, as a result of the adoption of the pension law and allocations petro $ 5, which would be about 7 trillion dinars, and the allocation of (5) trillion dinars covered by amending the law of political prisoners, in addition to the approval of the Unified Retirement Law, which included a significant increase salaries of retirees.
Experts warned during their talk Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - February 18, 2014 at 8:39 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , , , , , ,


Iraq agrees “officially” on an oil pipeline across Jordan

Iraq agrees “officially” on an oil pipeline across Jordan

02.16.2014 (0:01 pm)

Iraqi oilBaghdad / term

Reported Transport Minister Hadi al-Ameri, on Saturday, Jordanian Prime Minister Abdullah Eagles approval of his government officially pipeline to transport Iraqi crude oil from Basra, southern Iraq, to ​​the export ports in the port of Aqaba, the extreme south of the Kingdom on the Red Sea coast, according to the reported Jordanian official source.
The agency quoted the official Jordanian news for Ameri saying “the line Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - February 16, 2014 at 9:45 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


BBC Report: Iraqi Dinar TNT TONY, IMF has called “completely fraudulent”

BBC Report: Iraqi Dinar TNT TONY, IMF has called “completely fraudulent”

#BBCtrending: #Wearethepeople and the ‘fraudulent’ dinar ruse

14 February 2014 Last updated at 21:36 ET

BBC Report: Iraqi Dinar TNT TONY, IMF has called A BBC Trending investigation has found that one of the biggest trends on Twitter in the US – #wearethepeople – involves claims about the Iraqi dinar which the International Monetary Fund has called “completely fraudulent”.

The hashtag #wearethepeople looks huge. Since it took off on 26 January, there have been more than four million tweets. At first glance, those using the hashtag appear to be making an anti-banking, anti-establishment argument – similar to the Occupy movement. “The bankers do not want us Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - February 15, 2014 at 12:10 pm

Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S   Tags: , , ,


Iran mocks U.S. threat: “an old lion roar scared”

Iran mocks U.S. threat: “an old lion roar scared”

Posted 13/02/2014 07:10 AM

Iran mocks US threat-an old lion roar scaredTehran – Newspapers and agencies
Tehran ridiculed the United States from the threat of a military option in dealing with the nuclear issue, as it has been likened to «old lion roar afraid». And declared its readiness for «decisive war» with Washington and Tel Aviv, warning that exposure to attack will push «Hezbollah» Lebanese to «destroy» the Jewish state.

He criticized the head of the Shura Council (parliament) Ali Larijani’s remarks to U.S. officials about sanctions on Tehran, saying they Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - February 13, 2014 at 8:36 am

Categories: UNCATEGORIZED   Tags:


Parliament warns of bankruptcy within two months if the government did not pass a budget

Parliament warns of bankruptcy within two months if the government did not pass a budget

02.12.2014 (0:01 pm)

Parliament warns of bankruptcy within two months if the government did not pass a budget Baghdad / Mohammad Sabah

Called committees of financial and economic situation in Parliament, on Tuesday, to deal seriously with the warnings of the International Monetary Fund on the expansion of government spending in Iraq, and its implications for monetary reserves.
Chairman of the Finance Committee stressed the need to reconsider the government spending plans, saying that the annual increase will lead to a Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - February 12, 2014 at 8:43 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Chihod: 5 petro-dollars and pensions will make the budget deficit (50) billion dollars

Chihod: 5 petro-dollars and pensions will make the budget deficit (50) billion dollars

12-02-2014 11:24 AM

Chihod-5 petro-dollars and pensions will make the budget deficit 50 billion dollars Baghdad (news) .. MP / National Alliance / Mohammed Saadoun Chihod, that the amounts of petro $ 5 and pensions will make the budget deficit is 50 billion dollars. said Chihod in a statement received Agency (news) copy of it: that ‘the total amount of the budget is not enough to meet the claims, especially after claims oil-producing provinces amounts of petro $ 5 and approval of the pension law in its current form, explaining that the Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 8:00 am



2014 budget spending plan threatens to drain reserves of hard currency

2014 budget spending plan threatens to drain reserves of hard currency and the inflation rate will be recorded record

02.10.2014 (0:01 pm)

2014 budget spending plan threatens to drain reserves of hard currency and the inflation rate will be a recordBAGHDAD / long-Presse

Said the International Monetary Fund that the Iraqi government if it goes forward in the implementation of its plans the spending for the year 2014, they will be recorded inflation record and drain the country’s reserves of hard currency, with an eye analyst economical Australian that Iraq needs a “long list” of projects to develop it as well as projects that are needed for reconstruction.
The head of the IMF mission in Iraq, Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - February 10, 2014 at 8:14 am

Categories: UNCATEGORIZED   Tags: , , ,


Parliamentary Finance: lending process to fill the budget deficit “risk”

Parliamentary Finance: lending process to fill the budget deficit “risk”

29-01-2014 08:04 AM

Parliamentary Finance-lending process to fill the budget deficit riskBaghdad (news) .. considered the parliamentary Finance Committee proposal lending finance
to cover the deficit in the general budget for 2014 to risk the country’s economic. committee member said Haitham al-Jubouri (of the Agency news) on Wednesday that the deficit recorded in each budget every year is not an imaginary but recorded and expected at the time, therefore, Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - January 29, 2014 at 8:06 am



IMF: Oil prices weaken Iraq’s budget for this year

IMF: Oil prices weaken Iraq’s budget for this year

28/01/2014 09:58

IMF-Oil prices weaken Iraqi budget for this yearHead of Mission of the International Monetary Fund: The draft budget for this year is currently being debated by Parliament, including a significant increase in spending in its current form and perhaps Iraq faces difficulty in funding.

Counter / obelisk: An official at the International Monetary Fund, said the public finances in Iraq are increasingly prone to be affected by Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - January 28, 2014 at 8:46 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , , ,


IMF: positive economic developments and economic growth acceleration witnessed Iraqi

IMF: positive economic developments and economic growth acceleration witnessed Iraqi

12.19.2013 (0:01 pm)

IMF-positive economic developments and economic growth acceleration witnessed Iraqi  Baghdad / Bassam Abdul-Razzaq al-Zahra and Hamid

A report prepared by experts at the International Monetary Fund Article IV Consultation with Iraq in 2013, which took place in the first quarter of the year 2013 in Amman, Jordan, that “in spite of the circumstance of the Iraqi difficult, the economic developments generally Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - December 19, 2013 at 9:32 am





24 Oct 2013

Iraqi DinarMajid Al Suri, Iraqi banking expert, opined that Iraqi dinars should be strengthened and turned it into a currency is possible to deal at the international level, not just local.
He further remarked, “The local and international situations inappropriate disengagement of the Iraqi dinar to the US dollar, ruling out the success of the disengagement of the Iraqi dinar to the dollar being tied to the global system and Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - October 24, 2013 at 9:24 am

Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS   Tags: , , ,


Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-4-13

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-4-13

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions/predictions10-4-2013 Newshound Guru Enorrste “Economists Divided Over Deletion Of Zeros on Iraqi Dinar” I have seen no articles that reference clearly an RV event since the free float was presented by the CBI. I have seen the term “revaluation” used, but in all cases it was from TV or someone who is not representing the CBI. In addition, a revaluation of the dinar can easily include a free float, so the fact that the term is used does not prove an RV. As far as I know, the plan hasn’t changed at the CBI. Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - October 4, 2013 at 10:00 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S   Tags: , , ,


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