Higher sales of central bank dollar at auction Monday
Higher sales of central bank dollar at auction Monday
Monday, July 8, 2013 16:29
BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. sales rose Iraqi Central Bank of the dollar at an auction sale and purchase of foreign currency, on Monday, to 227 million and 768 thousand dollars, after it reached yesterday, 186 million and 918 thousand dollars, a stable exchange rate was 1166 dinars per dollar.
According to a statement moved the Information Office of the Central Bank Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions and some BS!! 7-6/7-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions and some BS!! 7-6/7-2013
7-7-2013 Newshound Guru Stryker We have only seen a handful of these…delete the zero…articles in the last 5 months or so and now in the last few days they are coming out of the woodwork. In Iraq, like here, we see controversy over what they mean. Are they going to…just re-denominate their currency by making the 25,000 dinar note become 25 dinars without giving it any more purchasing power? Or is their intention to raise the purchasing power by giving the dinar a new exchange rate rather then just deleting the zeros? Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions! 7-5-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions! 7-5-2013
7-5-2013 Newshound Guru Adam Montana We already have Chpater 7. Once the HCL is finalized, there is only one thing left – PUSH THE BUTTON! Honestly I can’t think of anything that would delay it beyond that.
7-5-2013 Newshound/Intel Guru Eagle1 The stats were sent to the bank today. Would not be surprised that they take advantage of 7-4 holiday. That would give us 7-5 as a potential day. We are coming up against the 10-day deadline. Banks saying it is on administrative screens and is ready to put it on the other screens when they get the word. From a Forex perspective, we could see it Friday. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions and some BS! 7-4-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions and some BS! 7-4-2013
7-4-2013 Intel Guru ScottiG Really excited about where we are. Very ecstatic over the news of the last two weeks…step by step they’ve been putting this puzzle together. Most of it done behind the scenes. I am comfortable with where we are at. I think we are very very close… it may well be tonight…currency experts always look for a major move like this to happen on a friday…Cannot go to the bank until Monday or Tuesday anyway. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar
Lower central bank sales of dollar at auction Thursday
Lower central bank sales of dollar at auction Thursday
Thursday, July 4, 2013 16:38
BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. sales fell CBI of the dollar at an auction sale and purchase of foreign currency, on Thursday, to 212 million and 289 thousand dollars, after it reached yesterday, 269 million and 801 000 dollars, a stable exchange rate was 1166 dinars per dollar.
According to a statement moved the Information Office of the Bank received / Baghdadi News / copy of it, that “the demand for the dollar distributed by Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar
Central bank: the project raise zeros from the currency is still deferred
Central bank: the project raise zeros from the currency is still deferred
Follow-up – and babysit –
The Iraqi Central Bank, the project raise zeros from the currency is still postponed until further notice, indicating that the Bank’s gold reserves has not been affected by changes in the global market.
The central bank governor said Abdul Basit Turki told a news conference Wednesday afternoon on the sidelines of his visit to the city of Karbala to open a House Financial Supervision: The project raise zeros from the currency project is delayed due to Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions and some BS!! 7-3-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions and some BS!! 7-3-2013
7-3-2013 Intel Guru TD HCL…is all agreed according to him [GOI contact] …time frame…what I’ve been told: WTO this late summer/early fall, New Denoms coming out…no later than Jan 1st, 2014. …float theory is THE BEST HOPE of a NON LOP because according to my source anything such as a rate of $3-4 is WITH A LOP ( 100% guarantee). Which will yield us 35-40% ROI. The other big question mark according to my source is the WINDOW of them calling in the old notes because that way they’ll be able to control the ROI. But it’s still a moving target according to my contact. No one knows yet the rates or dates. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar
Central bank sales rise to $ 269 million in session Wednesday
Central bank sales rise to $ 269 million in session Wednesday
03/07/2013 16:51
Central recorded a remarkable increase in sales of foreign currency in the fifth week sessions
Baghdad / Mesalla: the central bank auction record for the sale of Iraqi currency, Wednesday, a remarkable increase to 269 801 000 million, compared with $ 165 982 000 million recorded in the meeting, on Tuesday, a stable exchange rate at 1166 dinars per dollar.
The bulletin of the auction that the Bank of aggregate demand on the dollar Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar
Governor of the Central for “obelisk”: We have stocks of gold’s largest foreign currency
Governor of the Central for “obelisk”: We have stocks of gold’s largest foreign currency
03/07/2013 13:30
BAGHDAD / obelisk: Detect Iraqi Central Bank Governor / Agency Abdul Basit Turki, Wednesday, that the stock of Iraq’s largest gold from the tally of foreign currency, confirming the assignment set of files of corruption at the central bank to the judiciary, adding that the exit from Chapter VII will allow us greater flexibility discretion, noting that the project raise zeros from the currency has been postponed for the time being.
Said Turki in an exclusive interview with Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Iraqi Dinar
Central banks demanding disclosure procedures against applicants from counterfeit banknotes
Central banks demanding disclosure procedures against applicants from counterfeit banknotes
BAGHDAD / JD / .. Central Bank called on all banks to disclose measures taken against the applicants counterfeit banknotes.
The central bank said in a statement received / JD / copy: discover Massarvkm the counterfeit banknotes in deposits realized you have institutions or individuals ..
Central student in his statement says the actions taken from the right of depositors to banks in such cases was provided with what has been Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions and some more BS!! 7-2-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions and some more BS!! 7-2-2013
7-2-2013 Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3 I think the deal was cut. We all know Kuwait doesn’t trust Maliki or Iraq to pay them and I truly can’t see them pushing for release from chapter 7 without they had a firm grip on their money and the oil fields % is a sure thing for them. Thus the reason the announcement they will have the debt paid by 2015. If the deal was pay us upon the RV that would put Kuwait in the same position as you and I in a waiting game with no guarantee’s of a deadline for payment. I think all the reference to the 11 billion not being paid is a mute point and has zero to do with pressure for the RV. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar
Published Date 02/07/2013
Called on the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives of the Central Bank to take 3 important steps to maintain Iraqi Srvaldanar rate against the U.S. dollar, stressing the need to block the work of intermediaries between buyers and selling auction.
A member of the Finance Committee, Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri told the “Awan” that “the central bank work very hard during the last period in order to reduce the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar has achieved good Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Timid rise in the value of the dinar was accompanied by a decrease in demand for the dollar
Timid rise in the value of the dinar was accompanied by a decrease in demand for the dollar
02/07/2013 (00:01 pm)
BAGHDAD / tributary cactus
Experiencing the local market at the present time high shy of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar amid expectations of a number of companies and shops owners banking increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar in the coming period because of the touched lack of demand for the dollar and keep the citizen because of belonging to the local currency.
Says the director of Al Anwar banking and financial transfer in the Harthiya Mohammed owner that “demand for the U.S. dollar fell to a remarkable”, noting Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
$ 130 billion budget 2014
$ 130 billion budget 2014
02/07/2013 12:00 AM
Increase the cash reserves of the Central Bank will strengthen the stability of the Iraqi dinar
BAGHDAD – morning – Shaima Rashid
predicted the Finance Committee parliamentary an increase in the general budget for the year 2014 by between 7-10 percent from the current year budget, while the Ministry of Finance announced yesterday completed its image preliminary and that it will discuss the draft of this week with the ministries and independent bodies, under these projections, the budget next year would be about $ 130 billion. Come these measures in order to Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions and some more BS!! 7-1-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions and some more BS!! 7-1-2013
7-1-2013 Newshound Guru Stryker Article: “Economy: Central Bank reserve increase to more than 80 billion dollars will boost the stability of the Iraqi dinar” Article Quote: “To increase the Central Bank’s cash reserves of more than 80 billion dollars, meaning that each Iraqi dinar is inside Iraq or abroad is covered by two and a half dollar, the volume of cash to Iraq currency bloc (33) trillion dinars.” OK, the drama has officially started… Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar
Auction sale of the currency in the Central Bank continues to increase the value of sales for the second day
Auction sale of the currency in the Central Bank continues to increase the value of sales for the second day in a row
Monday, July 1, 2013 16:53
Baghdad / Baghdadi news / .. continued to sell the currency auction at the Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, to achieve a rise in the value of sales for the second day in a row.
The central bank governor said Abdul Basit Turki said in a statement taken by his press office and received / Baghdadi News / copy of it, that “the sales value of the currency auction during today’s session was Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar
Finance: Accounting anyone who tries to limit the dollar’s exchange banks specific
Member of the parliamentary Finance: Accounting anyone who tries to limit the dollar’s exchange banks specific
Monday, July 1, 2013 07:07
[Baghdad where]
Confirmed a member of the parliamentary Finance Committee Najiba Najib controls to hold accountable and punish anyone who tries to control the auction at the Central Bank, the dollar exchange and inventory for certain destinations.
According to Najib told all of Iraq [where], that “Iraq has witnessed a fluctuation in the exchange rates of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, and Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Central bank reserves increase to more than 80 billion dollars will enhance the stability of the Iraqi dinar
Parliamentary economy: central bank reserves increase to more than 80 billion dollars will enhance the stability of the Iraqi dinar
01-07-2013 11:38 AM
Baghdad (news) .. Affirmed the decision of the Committee of Economy and Investment MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Mahma Khalil, that the increase in reserves, the central bank of hard currency will enhance the stability of the Iraqi dinar and develop the national economy. Khelil said (of the Agency news): that the increase in monetary reserves of the Central Bank for more than (80 billion) this means that all Iraqi dinars located inside or outside Iraq covered two dollars and a half dollar, because Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Iraqi Dinar
Currency auction sales in Central rises exceeded / / 207 million dollars in today’s session
Currency auction sales in Central rises exceeded / / 207 million dollars in today’s session
Sunday, June 30, 2013 16:14
Baghdad / Baghdadi news / .. scored auction sale currency at the Central Bank of Iraq, Sunday, a rise in the value of sales exceeded / / 207 million.
The governor of the central bank and agency Abdul Basit Turki said in a statement taken by his press office and received / Baghdadi News / copy of it, that “the sales value of the currency auction at the Central Bank reached during today’s Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions! 6-30-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions! 6-30-2013
6-30-2013 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article and Quote: “A joint committee to browning Training Center Act monetary and banking” “economic joint committee with the parliamentary process to provide a final report on the draft law center monetary and banking training next week.” If we go back and look a week or so ago, this law was in Parliament. This is very important law that needs to be passed so they can educate the banks, employees, etc on the standards, and requirements pertaining to international banking activities, products and services. IMO, this law is a must before anything will happen with the rate/IMF Article VIII. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar