Controls to reduce the money being mishandled currency auction
Controls to reduce the money being mishandled currency auction
18/05/2013 12:00 AM
Expert stresses the importance of follow-up financial transfer
BAGHDAD – Hussein ثغب Tamimi
stressed economic expert Mohsen al-Zaidi on the importance of promoting monetary policy and the adoption of measures more accurate in various financial operations adopted by the central bank and stand at the activities of the banking sector civil and organized to serve Alaguetsd local beneficiaries from the experiences of the world in this field.
said Zaidi: The duties of central banks in the world information because it Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions/guesses! 5-17-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions/guesses! 5-17-2013
5-17-2013 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Much discussion has been made regarding the redenomination of the IQD, mostly surrounding the dropping of the zeros and a possible release in July 2013. It seems that the lower denominations without some sort of RV would render them valueless…Could you please give some insight regarding the relationship between and the timing of the two?] You are 100% correct – lower denoms by themselves is a POINTLESS action and I don’t see it happening without a simultaneous restructuring of not only the value, but the exchange rate and the way the Dinar is viewed by the entire world. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar
Finance parliamentary: the start of the stability of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar
Finance parliamentary: the start of the stability of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar gradually
Created on Friday, 17 May 2013 13:03 | |
Baghdad / Orr News
Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed that the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar began to gradually return to stability after a series of measures taken by the central bank recently. A member of the Committee Secretary Hadi said that “the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar began to gradually return to the state of stability as the dollar fell against the dinar to 1270 dinars to the dollar after breaking Read more…
Categories: UNCATEGORIZED Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Observers: dip, Shabibi dinar missed and we fear the continued decline
Observers: dip, Shabibi dinar missed and we fear the continued decline
17 MAY 2013 17: 07
Twilight news/Iraqi dinar is currently experiencing a decline in its value against the US dollar since the Government sacked the former head of the Central Bank, Sinan Al-Shabibi is raising concern among money and economy in particular.
And the value of the Iraqi dinar fell gradually during the past few weeks, bringing the price of the dollar to about 1,300 dinars after was stable from 1120, the highest rate of exchange-rate mechanism for the last two years.
And observers believe that the decline rate of the Iraqi dinar has since Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki decided suddenly to exempt former Central Bank Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions/guesses! 5-16-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions/guesses! 5-16-2013
5-16-2013 Intel Guru Delta There’s an article that came out today stating the IQD is devaluing rapidly against the US$…the citizens are making it very clear what they want the CBI and GOI to do – Iraqiya TV is now broadcasting what the people are demanding…The citizens are demanding the IQD to be taken to 1:1 with the US$!! Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar
Bankers: hard currency smuggled into Iran through Kurdistan
Bankers: hard currency smuggled into Iran through Kurdistan
Created on Thursday, 16 May 2013 09:32
Baghdad / Ahmed Yassin
Attributed a number of owners of banking offices in Baghdad, the high exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar to the smuggling of hard currency to the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and from there to Iran amid speculation confidential.
He said one of the owners of banking offices in Saadoun Street that the exchange rates of the U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar now arrived in the purchase price of approximately 129 thousand dinars, and the sale price by 128 thousand in the various markets and commercial areas of Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Financial warn against the use of central bank reserves and they describe with generations
Financial warn against the use of central bank reserves and they describe with generations
05/16/2013 (23:01 pm)
Baghdad / Adel Saffar
Warned specialize in regard financial and banking system of the use of the balance of central bank reserves of hard currency in economic development projects, comes at a time the central bank from higher reserves of hard currency it to $ 74 billion, and coincided with the devaluation of the local currency by 1127 Iraqi dinars to the dollar in the local market.
stressed financial expert Farouk Ramadan that “reserves the central bank is the balance of generations, which is supportive of the country’s economy, and has no relationship with volatile Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Congress: Iraqi Dinar setback for errors not far from the central government in the file
Congress: Iraqi Dinar setback for errors not far from the central government in the file
05/16/2013 (23:01 pm)
BAGHDAD / Mohammad Sabah
He said deputies from the Integrity Committees and economic النيابيتين that measures suffered by the central bank and the former crew, led to a significant setback for the Iraqi dinar against the dollar recently, as part of a package of measures is studied which led to a decline in the reputation of Iraq in front of the financial community in the world.
Recent weeks have seen the high exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar as it was about 1300 dinars to the dollar after it was at 1270 early last April. The price of 1170 dinars to the dollar in Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Will experts succeed in maintaining Iraqi Dinar exchange rate?
Will experts succeed in maintaining Iraqi Dinar exchange rate?
16-05-2013 – 17:35
Tens of citizens gather in front of private banks to buy US Dollars; however such gatherings always end in confrontations as police forces interfere to separate them. These daily accidents pushed bank owners and financial experts to hold a conference, in the hope of finding solution that ensure the preservation of the exchange rate of the Iraqi Dinar.
It doesn’t make any difference if it’s day or night, many people gather in front of private banks to buy US Dollars. Hand and knife fights usually take place as it ends up with security forces interfering.
Such incidents pushed the owners of many banks to organize a conference to find solutions and measure that would preserve the exchange price of the Iraqi Dinar and forbid any currency speculations; holding the central bank Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Financial expert: mafias with links to the power behind the continuing rise in the dollar exchange rate
Financial expert: mafias with links to the power behind the continuing rise in the dollar exchange rate
16-05-2013 12:34 PM
Baghdad (news) .. confirmed financial expert Majid picture that mafias with links to the power behind the continuation of the high exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar. said Suri in a statement (of the Agency news): that the circumstances through which Iraq is difficult conditions, both internally and regionally and the world, pointing out that there is pressure from a regional to a request dollar of it in addition to domestic conditions by the presence of Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions/guesses! 5-15-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions/guesses! 5-15-2013
5-15-2013 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The biggest issue we all have to keep in mind right now… Ramadan. Just as a reminder, it starts around July 7 and goes for about a month. I say “about” because the exact dates can vary depending on where you are in the Middle East, and they never seem to do anything on the exact date they advertise. NOTHING big happens during Ramadan…but since there is still 6 weeks left before that starts, we still have time to see a change before then. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar
Academy: rising inflation caused by the fluctuation of the U.S. dollar exchange rates
Academy: rising inflation caused by the fluctuation of the U.S. dollar exchange rates
May 15, 2013
Planning announces indicators for the month of April
He attributed the academic Abdul Sattar al-Bayati, the reasons for the high inflation in the month of April to the high price of the dollar compared to the Iraqi dinar. Said in a statement the “morning”: that fiscal and monetary policies adopted today is the other contributed to this volatility in Prices for pointing out that the repercussions of the recent central bank generally affected the economy, suggesting that the Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Auction sell the currency at the Central Bank recorded a decline in the value of sales
Auction sell the currency at the Central Bank recorded a decline in the value of sales
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 15:42
Baghdad / Baghdadi news / .. auction session saw the currency in the Central Bank of Iraq, Wednesday, a remarkable decline in the value of the dollar sales.
The governor of the Bank and the Agency Abdul Basit Turki said in a statement taken by his press office and received / Baghdadi News / copy of it, that “the sales value of the currency auction at today’s meeting amounted to” 161 “million and” 159 “thousand dollars,” explaining that “the number of banks participating in Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi dinar value rapidly deteriorates
Iraqi dinar value rapidly deteriorates
Tuesday, 15 May 2013 20:53 | | |
Baghdad (AIN) -The price of the US dollar in the local markets reached 1,300 Iraqi dinars, compared to 1220 dinars in mid-March and represents a significant reduction of the Iraqi dinar’s value since the two last years.
It is known that the official price of the USD until this day, according to the Central Bank of Iraq is IQD 1166 and that means that the value of the Iraqi dinar has reduced more than 11%.
According to representatives of All Iraq News Agency (AIN), this decline has led to increasing prices for a lot of goods in local markets and especially the Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Central Bank of Iraq, Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Iraqi dinar news and info
Financial expert calls for the central bank to take the necessary measures to save the Iraqi dinar exchange rate
Financial expert calls for the central bank to take the necessary measures to save the Iraqi dinar exchange rate
15-05-2013 12:37 PM
Baghdad (news) .. He favored a financial expert Abdul Sattar al-Hashemi, the continued reduction of Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the U.S. dollar unless there are serious by the central bank to develop a plan to save the national currency. Hashemi said (of the Agency news): The Iraqi dinar exchange rate is moving downward against the U.S. dollar since it took over the new administration of the central bank and so far, and this is indicative of the failure of monetary policy and the weakness of the current administration of the bank. added: that the central bank demands to take the necessary Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions/guesses! 5-14-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions/guesses! 5-14-2013
5-14-2013 Intel Guru TD My contact…has made several calls to Iraqi…including our PTB contact. Yesterday [Sunday] a PTB delegation attended a memorial in Baghdad and later had some Iraqi business to review & vote on. President Talabani did NOT speak to the masses on TV but did provide a video teleconference message to this group. Essentially Talabani is a true patriot and with his health he feels his time may be due soon so he wants to see a united, prosperous, world recognized Iraq moving forward. All inside Iraq brokering deals have been struck and now The IMF & UN feel GOI stability is being achieved. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi dinar recorded the largest decline against the dollar in two years
Iraqi dinar recorded the largest decline against the dollar in two years
Posted 14/05/2013 12:44 PM
BAGHDAD – “arenas of Liberation”
the price of the dollar in the domestic market to 1,300 Iraqi dinars per U.S. dollar, compared to 1220 dinars in the middle of last March, representing a significant decrease of the Iraqi dinar did not get more than two years ago.
It is known that the official price of the dollar to this day, according to quotations Central Bank of Iraq, is a 1166 dinars, and that means that the Iraqi dinar has انحفض price more than 11 percent.
According to shops selling the currency in Baghdad, and citizens, has led the Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Finance parliamentary: high exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar currency behind the drain
Finance parliamentary: high exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar currency behind the drain
12:10 05/14/2013
Baghdad – and babysit – attributed member of the parliamentary Finance Committee Haitham Jubouri reasons for the high exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar currency to the drain by some private banks, which owns companies for the currency converter.
Jubouri said in a press statement that “price-fixing remittances equivalent to two to three times the real price example, if the price of Item five $ 5 it up in the hawala to $ 20 sold amount of the surplus is $ 15 to the black market and that is what is reflected on Read more…
Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Proposes: (50%) of the employees’ salaries to support the dollar currency exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar
Proposes the distribution of parliamentary financial (50%) of the employees’ salaries to support the dollar currency exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar
14-05-2013 11:04 AM
Baghdad (news) .. Suggested the Finance Committee parliamentary distribution ratio (50%) of the salaries of state employees in hard currency to prevent the monopoly the U.S. dollar to certain destinations and to support the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar. said committee member MP / National Alliance / Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri (of the Agency news): The committee Finance met with the Governor of the Central Bank of the agency and discussed with him the things that pertain to monetary policy and Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Dinar, Dollar, Iraqi Dinar
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions! 5-13-2013
Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions! 5-13-2013
5-13-2013 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Amir of Dulaim clans accuse al-Maliki to push Iraq into division” Now we have demonstrators, clerics AND local leaders (tribal) calling for the removal of Maliki. I would never have guessed back when I started talking about this that it would take this long – or that it would get down to the “grass roots”. This also tells me it is only a matter of time. No one is stepping up to help them (UN, US, EU – etc, etc…) – so they are taking on the job themselves – at the “grass roots” level. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR GURU'S Tags: Dinar, Guru's, Iraqi Dinar