Decision of Parliament: The Constitution was written on a hurry and we have to amend it and delete Article 140 of it
Decision of Parliament: The Constitution was written on a hurry and we have to amend it and delete Article 140 of it
Thursday, October 26,
Al-Sumerian News / Baghdad
The decision of the House of Representatives MP Niazi architect Oglu, on Thursday, to hold a constitutional amendment and the referendum, including the deletion of Article 140 lawfully ending the Constitution, noting that the Iraqi constitution was written Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Decision of the Parliament: Article 140 expired .. Iraq is free of disputed areas except from this region
Decision of the Parliament: Article 140 expired .. Iraq is free of disputed areas except from this region
2017/10/24 12:31
Baghdad today – Kirkuk
The decision of the House of Representatives Niasi Myanmar Uglu, on Tuesday, that Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution expired in 2007, between that Iraq is free of the disputed areas only one area, the center of Kirkuk province exclusively.
“The governor of Kirkuk, Necmettin Karim, is a corrupt and Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Barzani: Baghdad’s decisions will not reach us and no alternative to the referendum
Barzani: Baghdad’s decisions will not reach us and no alternative to the referendum
2017/9/15 17:42
[Ayna – Baghdad]
The President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, that Baghdad is now talking about Article 140 of the Constitution is forced, stressing that “we will not pay any attention to the statements of anyone,” as he put it.
“We will not negotiate for a moment about the borders of Kurdistan, and there is no country that gives us independence as a gift,” Barzani Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Barzani talks about the new flag and anthem of Kurdistan represent the components of the region
Barzani talks about the new flag and anthem of Kurdistan represent the components of the region
Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 16:55 pm
Baghdad / Sky Press:
The president of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, on Tuesday, written international guarantees to postpone the referendum on independence, stressing the impossibility of retreating from this step unless it gets, while referring to the need for new flag and anthem, representing the components of the region.
“The demands for the return of the Peshmerga to the borders Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Barzani: The government in Baghdad did not implement Article 140 on the disputed areas
Barzani: The government in Baghdad did not implement Article 140 on the disputed areas
2017-07-31 at 17:47 (Baghdad time)
Baghdad Mawazine News
President of the Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani today, to hold a referendum on the independence of the province by its date, considering it “solution” for all tragedies.
“If the government in Baghdad has implemented Article 140 of the disputed territories – these problems have not happened,” Barzani said at a ceremony marking the genocide of Kurdish Barzani.
“We told Baghdad that we can not continue together, Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Maliki is trying to topple the government of Abadi and negotiate with the latter on independence
Adviser to Barzani: Maliki is trying to topple the government of Abadi and negotiate with the latter on independence
Wednesday, January 4, 2017 17:50
BAGHDAD / Baghdadi media adviser to the president of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s struggle Mahmoud, on Wednesday, the Peshmerga will not withdraw from the areas liberated until the application of Article 140, indicating that Nouri al-Maliki, behind a big mess and works to bring down the government of Haider al-Abadi.
Mahmoud said in a statement to / Baghdadi News /, that “talking about the survival or the withdrawal of the Peshmerga forces Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
State of Law: Article 140 “finished” and the border will not draw blood
State of Law: Article 140 “finished” and the border will not draw blood
Saturday 5 November 2016 | 10:49
BAGHDAD / …. MP for the coalition of law Haider Mawla, Saturday, that Article 140 of the Constitution has become a finished constitution will not allow the drawing of blood or without borders, noting that the administrative border of the disputed areas to be determined according to the constitution and laws which give the mechanism through which the people of those areas to self-determination.
He said the Lord’s “Eye of Iraq News,” that “talk about drawing Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Peshmerga want pursuant to Article 140 after the end of the elimination battles on Daash
Peshmerga want pursuant to Article 140 after the end of the elimination battles on Daash
July 25.2016
Ministry of Peshmerga in Kurdistan said it is not opposed to the withdrawal from areas recaptured from the grip of the organization of the Islamic state Daash in the north and east of the country, provided that the application of Article 140 of the Constitution on the disputed areas after the fighting against regulation.
The Secretary General of the Ministry Jabbar Yawar, in connection with “Radio Sawa”, that any withdrawal from the recovered areas Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Barzani condition of participation in the liberation of Mosul annexed areas of the province
Deputy for Nineveh: Barzani condition of participation in the liberation of Mosul annexed areas of the province
2015/11/30 12:46
Deputy for Nineveh province, he said the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, “stipulated that” the participation of the Peshmerga forces in the liberation of the city of Mosul from terrorists Daash process “annexation of disputed areas to the region,” he said.
Said Abdul Rahman Alloizi told all of Iraq [where], that Barzani “said the border draw blood and to Aarf another flag in Sinjar is aware of the region and these intentions existing Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
The implementation of Article 140 official at Sinjar: the people of the judiciary are to decide their fate
The implementation of Article 140 official at Sinjar: the people of the judiciary are to decide their fate through a referendum
Saturday 14 November 2015 | 13:14
BAGHDAD / … official said the implementation of Article 140 center in the district of Sinjar Munther Khadr, Saturday, that the people of the judiciary are to decide their own destiny to join the Kurdistan Regional Center or through referendum.
He said Khadr’s “Eye Iraq News”, that “Article 140 unconstitutional and based implementation at the three steps namely, normalization Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Congress should give the government more time to improve its performance
Congress should give the government more time to improve its performance
9/9/2015 0:00
BAGHDAD Shaima Rashid,
a year after the formation of the government awarded by the Parliament of confidence, divergent views between supporters of her performance and the emphasis on giving more time to achieve what it promised, and sees it failed to provide security and services. The MP said the state law Ahmed al-Badri in his speech “morning”: that the government had received a Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Deputy for the National Alliance: the constitutionality of Article 140 and valid
Deputy for the National Alliance: the constitutionality of Article 140 and valid
01:41: 07/13/2015
Khandan -ali Naji
stressed the National Alliance MP Salim Chawki, that article 140 of the constitution, constitutional and is still valid, as pointed out that Article 140 includes an incident areas in southern Iraq as well. He said Shawki told the “Khandan” Article 140 It is one of the Iraqi constitution, stressing that the article valid. And that Article 140 does not include Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
The advisers submit proposals to amend the federal oil and gas law (HCL) to be completed within two months
The advisers submit proposals to amend the federal oil and gas law (HCL) to be completed within two months
07/05/2015 14:23
Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: the advisers made a series of proposals to the Prime Minister with respect to oil and federal gas law, to be completed in less than two months and sent to Parliament. A source in the Council of Ministers for “tomorrow Press,” that “the controversial law falls under document items the political agreement, and must be passed on the basis of political consensus, to achieve what has been agreed upon between the participation in the government blocs, “noting that” the Council of Ministers completed more than 80 percent of the document the political terms of the agreement, and only three laws left in the corridors of the Council of Ministers or In the first reading phase, the oil and gas and amnesty and modify the amended law of the provinces, in addition to the re-activation of Article 140 Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140, HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Committee competent implementation of Article 140 declares completed 90%
Committee competent implementation of Article 140 of the center and south of Iraq declares completed 90% of its
23/06/2015 09:18
Press direction / Salah Al-Ghazali
Competent for the implementation of Article 140 Committee, announced on Tuesday, the central and southern Iraq completed 90% of its business .
And Chairman of the relevant committee Mohammed al-Jubouri said in an interview with “direction Press” that the Commission has completed nearly 90% of its work on the applications and Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140, Iraqi Dinar
Barzani is visiting Washington to install Kurdistan’s border with Iraq
Barzani is visiting Washington to install Kurdistan’s border with Iraq
04/29/2015 21:22
Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: visiting President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, the United States, next week, and hold talks with US commanders about many issues, including “the establishment of Kurdish state,” according to the President of the Presidium of the Kurdistan Region, so said a spokesman for Barzani “President meetings will have privacy.” The president of the Presidium of the Kurdistan region, Fouad Hussein, that “Barzani will carry the Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Kurdistan region constitutes a “public body” to follow up on the implementation of Article 140
Kurdistan region constitutes a “public body” to follow up on the implementation of Article 140
Publishing Date: Wed, 22 Apr two thousand and fifteen
BAGHDAD / News today the Kurdistan Regional Government plans to hold a joint meeting with all interested parties and representatives of the Kurdistan region in the House of Representatives and the central government follow-up to the problems experienced by the disputed areas. As head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani stressed the need for all ministries to take serious steps to Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Deputy Kurdish: delay the implementation of Article 140 is not everyone’s interest
Deputy Kurdish: delay the implementation of Article 140 is not everyone’s interest
BAGHDAD / … stressed the MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Susan Baker, Sunday, that the delay in the implementation of Article 140 on disputed territories is not the welfare of everyone.
She said Baker told the “eye Iraq News” that “Article 140 of the Constitution has addressed the controversy about these areas and within the framework of the constitution,” indicating that “the Peshmerga forces to protect Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
The application of Article 140 in the disputed areas after editing
The application of Article 140 in the disputed areas after editing
The Iraqi government announced measures that will begin to apply Article 140 constitutional disputed areas, if the elimination of the “Daash” in those areas.
He said government spokesman Saad newborn in an interview with Radio Free Iraq that end stuff File 140 in a short time seems to be Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
President stresses the application of Article 140 in Kirkuk
President stresses the application of Article 140 in Kirkuk
MARCH 3, 2015
Kirkuk – Marwan al-Ani
President Fuad Masum counting that the successful management of the governor of Kirkuk, Necmettin cream contributed to be maintaining a safe and enjoy the services, pointing to the importance of the application of Article 140. He said infallible during his meeting with cream yesterday that (successful and wise management of the Governor contributed significantly to Kirkuk to be safe and enjoy the services ) saying Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140
Sabri: apply Article 140 after the elimination of Daash
Sabri: apply Article 140 after the elimination of Daash
Published on Saturday February 28, 2015 05:17
BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) – confirmed a spokesman for the Information Office of the Prime Minister Saad al- Sabri, that the application of Article 140 of the Constitution after the procedure will eliminate Daash terrorist gangs in the disputed areas .
The newborn’s (IMN) , “It is not possible to apply Article 140 of the Constitution in the disputed territories in light of the confused Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Article 140