System as 400 Russian-stop Turkish and American raids on Syria

System as 400 Russian-stop Turkish and American raids on Syria

11/28/2015 14:36 ​​GMT

System as 400 Russian-stop Turkish and American raids on SyriaFollow-up – and babysit – confirmed the site of the Russian Sputnik, the Sabbath, that both the US and the Turkish Air Force halted strikes on Syrian territory at a time when Russia deployed air defense missiles S-400 in the air Humaimam in Syria base, for fear of these systems deadly and terrible.
The report said the “radar these missiles covering the territory of Syria and revealed everything fly, also covers the western regions of Iraq, Israel and Jordan are all northern Sinai in Egypt and a large part of the Turkish airspace, including Ankara and the eastern part of the Mediterranean.”

The report added that “Russia deployed S-400 missile system of modern air defense in the Syrian territory as a defense measure after the overthrow of Russian military aircraft Sukhoi – 24 missile fired from a fighter F – 16 Turkish last Tuesday in the skies of Syria.”

The report pointed out that “the system S – 400 will protect the Russian Air Group aircraft and destroy any target may be dangerous to them.”
