Sunguri: Maliki received the green light from the United States on his visit to Russia

Sunguri: Maliki received the green light from the United States on his visit to Russia

Monday, 08 October 2012 19:12

[Baghdad where]

MP for the Iraqi List the Sunguri Fars Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki received the green light from the United States on his visit to Russia.

Said Sunguri told all of Iraq [where] today that “Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki received from the United States the green light on his visit to Russia and contracted to buy planes,” noting “did not give Maliki on his visit to Russia without the consent of the United States.”

He added that “there is international agreements between Russia and America on the situation in Iraq, where she gave America’s share of Russia from Iraq, a deal to sell aircraft to Iraq and arming his army,” stressing “the existence of” the interests of the benefits of linking the United States and Russia and talk about a cold war between the two sides is just Cover and blurry on the Arab countries and the rest of the world. ”

Al-Maliki arrived before noon today to the Russian capital Moscow on an official visit at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A statement by Maliki’s office he was received and his accompanying delegation at the airport, Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Vnokov, and the Iraqi ambassador in Moscow and members of the Iraqi embassy. Accompanied Maliki on the trip, which also includes the Czech Republic delegation comprising ministers of oil, trade and electricity, defense and a number of officials and deputies.

Maliki said in response to a question during a press conference held in Moscow on the position of the United States from Iraq after buying weapons from Russia that “Iraq does not consult with anyone in the political affairs and in the procurement of arms and oil issues.”

Maliki said in a press statement before leaving Iraq concluded contracts and agreements and memoranda of understanding with the Russian side dealing with armament and energy, noting that “armament contracts Russian will be limited to fighting terrorism and in a limited way,” pointing out that “Iraq’s agreements also with the United States and a number of countries.” ended 2
Source: alliraqnews