Sudanese Advisor: Iraq Is Experiencing A High State Of Economic Stability

Sudanese Advisor: Iraq Is Experiencing A High State Of Economic Stability


Sudanese Advisor - Iraq Is Experiencing A High State Of Economic StabilityEarth News/ The economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said today, Saturday, that Iraq is experiencing a high state of economic stability.

Saleh told Earth News Agency, “The country is living in a high state of economic stability as a result of the approval of the general budget law and the launch of new projects and businesses in its various aspects, and that the budget law has already touched a positive income added to more than a million citizens between new jobs and an expansion of social welfare, with High determination to maintain support programs in the range of fuel, agriculture and the food basket.

Saleh added, “The launch of the spark for service work across the country and on a large scale has led to the activation of the business sector and the labor market at the same time, especially in combating unemployment activities and the continuation of a strong demand policy that helps sustain the provision of job opportunities.”

Saleh pointed out that “construction activity in the construction and infrastructure sector is in a constant state and has not stopped, but rather is on the rise, noting that the building and construction sector is one of the vital sectors responsible for employing nearly 20% of the national labor force, in various paragraphs. Business and Human Skills |

Salih pointed out that “Iraq currently enjoys a surplus in the current account of the balance of payments relative to the gross domestic product, which, in my personal estimation, is close to positive 10%, which is a high indicator that helped strengthen Iraq’s balance of foreign currency reserves that support stability.”

Saleh continues, “There are great hopes awaiting the launch of both the Iraq Fund for Development and the Investment Development Road Project. Thus, the meeting of positive factors in the path of economic life today outweighs many inherited negatives after the vision and the right path became clear in the path of development, which truly expresses an effective partnership between the state.” And the market or the private sector without neglecting the social goals of maximizing human happiness and well-being and providing life guarantees, which is the ideal goal that the state seeks now and in the future.