Studies Center: Political parties seek to keep Al-Kazemi in power for this reason

Studies Center: Political parties seek to keep Al-Kazemi in power for this reason


Studies Center - Political parties seek to keep Al-Kazemi in power for this reasonTuesday, the head of the Summit Center for Strategic Studies, Haider Arab, warned against the consequences of continuing Al-Kazemi’s government and not forming a new government, while stressing that some political parties seek to keep Al-Kazemi in power and lead the upcoming early elections, if they happen.

Arabs said in an interview with “Al-Information”, “Some political parties seek to make Al-Kazemi’s government an emergency government that calls for early elections, and thus disrupts the Iraqi Parliament, and the government continues to perform it for a year or two under the chairmanship of Al-Kazemi and repeat the 2021 scenario again.”

He added, “It is necessary to form a government, even if it is of short life, in order to provide services to the Iraqi citizen,” noting that “the continuation of the current year without a budget affects the expenses of the next year, including the salaries of employees that cannot be disbursed because they are spent on the previous year.”

The director of the Summit Center for Studies explained that “the absence of the draft financial budget linked to the permanent government with full powers, and not the caretaker government, the country’s situation, whether political or social, is on a dark path and its dangers cannot be known.”