Stop the appointments for three years in Iraq, with the exception of education, health and security

Stop the appointments for three years in Iraq, with the exception of education, health and security

06/18/2016 10:58 pm (Baghdad time)

Stop the appointments for three years in Iraq with the exception of education - health and securitySpecial scales News
Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed Saturday that one of the conditions of IMF loan to Iraq is to stop the appointment for a period of three years, with the exception of education, health and security.
The committee member said Sarhan Ahmed’s / balances News /, that “the IMF conditions on Iraq for many, the most prominent economic reforms in Iraq, an increase in taxes in electricity charges and improve banking supervision level to fight corruption, money laundering and Kzlkedzdid all arrears owed to foreign oil companies operating in Iraq by the end of year. ”
He added that “among the conditions also pay off Iraq’s debts to other countries, including Kuwait and the reduction of senior officials in the state salaries and the imposition of income tax,” stressing that “among the conditions is the lack of appointment for the next three years, with the exception of health, education and security ministries.”
He continued, “Iraq has insisted that eliminates stop the ration card requirement on citizens already have been canceled to work with this condition,” pointing out that “numerous and substantial conditions that Iraq talks lasted for two years to get this loan.”
It is said that the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and international partners have agreed, in the May 19, 2016, to give Iraq a loan of $ 15 billion at an interest rate of 1.5%.
Parliamentary Finance Committee promised, in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, the IMF loan means the recovery of the economy Alaraca.anthy 29 / D 24