Stock market needs to organize and restructure .. The central bank problems behind the volatility index
Deputy: the stock market needs to organize and restructure .. The central bank problems behind the volatility index
16-05-2013 07:19 AM
Baghdad (news) .. Refer MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Hamid Buffy, the reasons for the lack of stock trading volume of investment in the Iraqi market for securities to the crisis, the central bank and the charges against him regarding the smuggling of money laundered. said Buffy (of the Agency news): The Iraqi market for securities needs some instructions to organize its work as well as restructured according to the regulations evolving global, to be able to bring in capital and stimulate the country’s economy. said: that the problems that have occurred recently in the management of the central bank and accused of smuggling foreign currency and money laundering, as well as an attempt of government control over the work of the Bank and not to abide by the constitution and laws reflected and directly on the trading of stocks in the financial market, and to attract investments in the country. witnessing the Iraqi market for securities fluctuation بمؤشره during the past few days. announced the market’s administration for lower stock trading volume during the month of April compared to the months that preceded it. / End / 8.’s . /