State of Law: We intend to return the previous exchange rate

State of Law: We intend to return the previous exchange rate

WEDNESDAY, 07-04-2021, PM 1:17

USD-Iraqi dinarToday, Wednesday, the State of Law Coalition confirmed its intention to return the exchange rate of the dollar to what it was.

The deputy of the coalition, Khalaf Abdul Samad, said in a statement, “We confirm our firm, principled position by refusing to raise the exchange rate of the dollar that we clearly embodied through our refusal to vote on the budget, and we point out in this regard that what the President of the Finance Committee stated is a shame of truth and untrue. And it aims to shuffle the cards and emphasize that the Iraqi people are more intelligent than being deceived by the attempts to distort them, which we believe are the electoral goals that stand behind them.

He added, and we also confirm that the vote session on the budget was the real field to prove standing with the poor and vulnerable classes of our people, and what happened to vote to raise the exchange rate in the budget is a big mistake that those who voted on the budget bear no matter what justifications they provide.

He concluded by saying that we in the state of law will continue our efforts to return the exchange rate to what it was and to defend the poor and middle classes and those with limited incomes.