State of Law: Alkhozai relinquish the post of vice president in favor of al-Maliki

 State of Law: Alkhozai relinquish the post of vice president in favor of al-Maliki


State of Law - Alkhozai relinquish the post of vice president in favor of al-MalikiBAGHDAD / … revealed a coalition of state law, on Thursday, for a waiver Khodair al for the post of Vice President of the Republic in favor of the prime minister finished his Nouri al-Maliki.

The Coalition MP Ibtisam al-Hilali’s “Eye of Iraq News” that the coalition decided to Maliki’s nomination for the post of first vice president, succeeding Khazaee, stressing that the latter announced his abdication from office in favor of al-Maliki.

The leader in the Islamic Supreme Council declared, yesterday, that the coming hours will witness the completion of the new government formation, while the expected vote in the House of Representatives tomorrow or the next few days.

The MP for the coalition of state law, Abbas al-Bayati confirmed, that the government of Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi will see the light early next week, as pointed out that the mechanism of forming the new government, including the National Alliance for the 17 ministries.

The source close to the prime minister-designate Haider Abadi revealed, on Wednesday, trying to impose some blocks figures do not enjoy the admissibility of the ministerial positions, as pointed out that al-Abadi threatened to refuse the assignment if imposed upon those Alchksaat.anthy 3