State Of Law: Al-Kazemi Is Rejected By The Framework And His Mandate Will Never Be Renewed

State Of Law: Al-Kazemi Is Rejected By The Framework And His Mandate Will Never Be Renewed

06/28/2022 | 8:59 AM

State Of Law - Al-Kazemi Is Rejected By The Framework And His Mandate Will Never Be RenewedInformation / Baghdad…
A member of the State of Law coalition, former MP Rasul Radi, confirmed that the coordinating framework confirms its rejection of Al-Kazemi’s presence in power, and he also stands against any proposal to renew the mandate for this personality to manage the next stage.
Radi told Al-Maalouma, “The caretaker prime minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, will not return to the position, and there will be no renewal for a second term for the next stage.”
He added, “The issue is settled by 100 percent, as the coordination framework rejects any proposal or thought to re-nominate Al-Kazemi’s name to head the new government for the next stage.”
And he indicated that “Al-Kazemi’s paper ended after the coordinating framework obtained the highest numbers in the House of Representatives, which made him the decision-maker regarding choosing the new prime minister, at a time when the framework confirms his rejection of Al-Kazemi after he exceeded his powers regarding the conduct of business and some of his movements that were not responsive to ambition, and therefore He is a rejected figure to take charge of matters for the next stage.” finished 25