Splits within the Dawa Party ousted B alebadi and leaks: Maliki’s most prominent candidate

Splits within the Dawa Party ousted B alebadi and leaks: Maliki’s most prominent candidate

Views: 3269 Published on: 27/03/2016, 17:46

Splits within the Dawa Party ousted Balebadi and leaks - Malikis most prominent candidateBAGHDAD / Sky Press:
Political source, Sunday, revealed a sharp splits within the Dawa Party, working to topple Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, adding that “Nuri al-Maliki, the most prominent candidate for prime minister.
The source told “Sky Press,” that “there are splits between the members of the Political Bureau of the Dawa party and the Shura Council of the party about the need to take a firm stand of the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, especially as he began monopolization of decision and the street.”
The source added that “these defections began to put pressure on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in identifying new ministerial cabin, noting that” recent events have shown the weakness of the government’s decisions and Takbtha in a lot of decisions. ”
He stressed that “there is a strong wing within the Dawa Party supports the full return of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for the presidency.
The source noted that “there are leaks confirm the support of the National Alliance and support for the owners to be the top candidate for prime minister in the event of resignation Abadi.”
