Specialists warn of mafias to exploit the private development project 5 trillion dinars
Specialists warn of mafias to exploit the private development project 5 trillion dinars
BAGHDAD / JD / .. warned a number of experts and specialists in the financial and economic affairs from entering the mafias to exploit the project the 5 trillion dinars loan to launch it the central bank to support economic sectors, as demanded the government and the central formation of monitoring committees to deliver loans to the beneficiaries. The Central Bank of Iraq announced on Monday (September 7, 2015), for the launch of the largest start funding for lending programs in Iraq, noting that they belong to finance industrial and agricultural sectors as housing and support small and medium enterprises and revitalizing the Iraqi economy. The religious authority, called on Friday, up to five trillion dinars Akarztha amount that the government of the Central Bank recently, stressing the need for a “strict measures” in the disbursement of these funds to the agricultural and industrial banks and housing fund. He says economic expert on behalf of Antoine, said that “from within its own prime minister Haider al-Abadi program to the advancement of the industrial sector, directing the central bank to grant financial loan banks specialized Kalsnaaa, agricultural and real estate at $ 5 trillion dinars, to support the private sector and reduce dependence on the federal budget.” He said Antoine told / JD / that “these loans you need to set up committees to technical and professional are not subject to quotas partisan and sectarian to monitor the mechanics of dispensing and achieve the fundamental objectives which support the private sector and the elimination of unemployment and reduce imports of random goods consumed,” warning of “the exploitation of the project by the mafias corruption or thieves policy for their own good and the interests of their party and the party to which they belong, as happened the previous development projects. ” For his part, economist Salam al-Quraishi, the central bank initiative to allocate five trillion dinars step “will be activated,” the production process in Alarac, and take it allocated 80% of the total amount of industrial and agricultural banks need to “pause quality”, while calling to stop the indiscriminate housing finance and convert Sex agricultural land. He told Al-Quraishi / JD /, that “the Central Bank’s initiative to allocate five trillion dinars to finance the sectoral banks step on the road to revitalization of the production process in Albuld, but this step requires adjusting process priorities and financial mechanisms between the ratio of these banks.” He added that “determining lending mechanisms came within the government program of economic reform and support for the private sector,” noting that “the ratio of 80% of the allocation equally between industrial and agricultural banks need to pause quality during which determine the ratios according to the actual needs of each sector.” He stressed “the importance of the revitalization of the productive sector basis mainly on the agricultural sector, the percentage goes to the productive aspects of the food industry for its importance in achieving food security,” stressing “the need to exclude agricultural activities, which included agricultural initiative so they can be to customize the descent to the food industry and based on local raw supplies in order to reduce the import of such goods, which drains hard currency. ” The prime minister Haider al-Abadi announced earlier, the Council of Ministers has instructed the Central Bank to grant loans of five trillion dinars to the industrial and agricultural banks and housing in accordance with the controls to support the productive sectors. / End / 8 /