Specialists: Jordanian pipeline will become the biggest export port for Iraqi crude oil
Specialists: Jordanian pipeline will become the biggest export port for Iraqi crude oil
31-03-2013 12:38 PM
Baghdad (news) / report / Hussein Faleh / .. After the expected increase production and export of Iraqi oil in the coming years moved the Iraqi government to negotiate with both sides Jordanian and Saudi extend pipeline oil absorb quantities of Petroleum Exporting. terms resulted in these negotiations for approval the Jordanian side to extend oil pipeline length (1000) km from the Anbar province to Jordan’s Aqaba port . specialists in the field of oil praised these initiatives, being aimed towards multi-export outlets Petroleum Iraqi and avoid the country economic problems likely to have occurred in the Gulf region may prevent the export of Iraqi crude oil through them. They expected during their talk (of the Agency news) that becomes tube Iraqi extends across the Hashemite Kingdom of the largest export outlets because accompanied D group of pipelines in the future. oil expert Mohammad Redha, described step Oil Ministry to extend oil pipeline from western Anbar province to Jordan’s Aqaba port task to promote export outlets, the fact that the country has a pipeline alone to export oil from Kirkuk to Moni Turkish. said Abdulredha (of the Agency news): Iraq is on the verge significant increases energies production and export of crude oil by strategic plans set by the Ministry of Oil, this process requires the presence of export outlets accommodate the quantities exported. added: that the invitation to the oil ministry for international companies to bid on pipeline oil capacity of a million barrels a day to the port of Aqaba is an important step in the right direction and will strengthen the export outlets for crude oil, and spare the country any problems occur in the region, whether in the Gulf or other, which may prevent the export of oil. and guessed: that the port export via Jordan of the largest export outlets in Iraq the fact that this project will be accompanied by a set of draft to extend pipeline oil to reach the port of Aqaba. has called the Iraqi Oil Ministry during the conference (energy projects in Iraq) held in Dubai, the international companies to submit bids to build and install and run pipeline export Iraqi oil along the 1000 km starts from province Anbar in western Iraq and ends in the Jordanian port of Aqaba, while select next April as the date for the start of the receipt of contracts from companies wishing. The project includes the establishment of pipeline export capacity of up to one million barrels per day extends from the area of modern western Iraq to the port of Aqaba, and the project will include also pipeline gas facilities and will provide the fuel needed to run the pumping stations in the pipeline in addition to filling ‘some consumer needs in Jordan.’ and the Oil Ministry announced earlier in the direct extension of pipeline oil from the Rumaila field in Basra province to Jordan. Lama Ministry spokesman Assem Jihad, Oil, confirmed that The objective of pipeline oil through the Hashemite Kingdom is the multiplicity of export outlets for the country that Iraq possesses implementers are the Gulf and Turkey’s Ceyhan. Jihad said (of the Agency news): The visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Jordan late last year yielded an agreement was with the Jordanian side to extend pipeline oil to the port of Aqaba for the processing of the Hashemite Kingdom of oil and export the remaining of it to the Mediterranean ports, and this will enhance the export outlets for oil. said Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during his visit to Jordan: that Iraq will provide the Kingdom with more than one million barrels of oil per day after the completion of the pipeline. announced the Iraqi embassy in Jordan last month, said the agreement between Iraq and Jordan to build oil pipeline went into effect, likely to be a period of achievement ranging between 24 to 36 months. while praised a member of the Oil and Energy Committee MP / mass change of Kurdish / Bayazid Hassan, the orientation of the federal government towards multiplicity of export outlets for crude oil through the pipeline oil with neighboring countries, describing step pipeline oil through Jordan to reach the port of Aqaba with ‘good’ to avoid the country economic problems likely occurrence. Hassan said (of the Agency news): The Maliki’s visit to the Kingdom of Jordan for the purpose of oil pipeline through the port of Aqaba to reach the Mediterranean Sea is a good step because they serve the interests of the national economy in terms of enhancing economic cooperation between Iraq and the Hashemite Kingdom and the multiplicity of the country’s export outlets. He added: You must work towards multi-export outlets to avoid the country’s economic problems likely occurred either when closing the Strait of Hormuz, or any other disturbances occur in the Gulf region. / End / 8. N. P /